Yin Yang Music Festival Promises 48 Hours of Music at the Great Wall, June 20-22
The Yin Yang Music Festival will feature 48 hours of continuous music at the Huangyaguan Great Wall, June 20-22.
Headliners include Juno Reactor (UK), Sulumi (China), Kamara (Netherlands), Frits Wentink (Netherlands), and Adam Swain (Australia). Over 50 international and local acts will perform, with local luminaries such as Juliana Lima and Subs.
Music runs from Saturday, June 20, at 12pm, until Monday, June 22, at 12pm. Tickets are only RMB 300 for a full pass, or RMB 100 for a single day. Food and accommodation are available but not provided. Only 2,000 tickets will be sold, in order to limit the impact on the Great Wall site.
There's ticketing information (in Chinese and English) here, and more information about the festival here. We'll assume non-pre-cancellation for now.
Photo: Yin Yang Music Festival