What Kind of Beijing Expat Are You?
Beijing is a whole mix of ethnicities and cultures. You see people from all over the world have the time of their life in this city. It’s vibrant and welcoming! In this melting pot of so many different people from a whole range of countries, we've come up with a list of ten different types of expats. Read on to find out which type you are.
1. The “I Miss Home” Kind
If you are this type of expat, you are always thinking about life back home. All the lights in Beijing can never do what the twinkles back home do for you. You miss home when you wake up, and you miss home when you go to bed. All your friends are sick of you constantly talking about going back. You are the plane ticket app’s dream because all you do is scroll around to find a good deal to catch a flight back. You are a true fish out of water, and anybody who knows even a little bit about you knows that you just want to cuddle up in your soft bed back home.
2. The Super Extrovert
Whatever you were back in your home country is history. You are now the friendly extrovert expat who befriends people on subways. You chat with an old auntie at Wu Mart, and you know all the names of the dogs in your compound. You are outgoing, you are the life of the party, you have welcomed Beijing in your heart with open arms, and Beijing has done you the same courtesy!
3. The “Fascinated by the Chinese Culture” One
If you are just stunned by this country, then you are the fascinated type of expat. You love the style of architecture, you love the food, the people ... oh, the people! You love everything about this glorious culture, and you revel in its beauty. You enjoyed the first time a Sichuan peppercorn numbed your tongue, and you enjoy it when you are caught among a dancing auntie mob at the local park.
4. The Grumpy One
Much like the dwarf in Snow White, you are grumpy about everything. You don’t understand how to operate the apps, the characters of the language nauseate you, you can’t communicate with your Didi driver, and you can’t ask the Taobao shu shu to leave your package at the door because you're not home. You are irate, and it is an absolute struggle. You have a hard time finding a decent loaf of bread, the cream on cakes tastes all weird, and you can’t wait until this deputation is over and you can get some actual sourdough bread for a change.
5. The Wanderluster
If you are the wanderlusting kind, you are drawn to the maddening energy that is Beijing! You have taken all the trips everywhere. The world is your canvas, and you are just strolling through it. Cruises, flights and train rides – you are the master of them all and forever ready to hop on and discover the world around you. True wanderluster at heart, you are not sure what tomorrow will bring, but you've always got a never-ending bucket list of places to visit.
6. The Keen Learner
You are the Hermione Granger of expats, and Beijing is your coursebook. You mastered the language in a matter of months, the locals praise you for your knowledge of the cuisine, you can pronounce any Chinese tongue twister in a heartbeat. You delved deep into China and mastered it like a pro. You took the time and the classes, and now it’s smooth cruising for you. You continue to learn and keenly study this country, and it expands your mind every day!
7. The Chinese Trend Follower
If you are the trend-following expat, you mastered the latest Duoyin makeup trend within minutes, you tried the viral noodles on Line 10, you wear what the latest fashion girlies and guys are wearing – you are in the game, and you are winning! You have your goals right; you are living and breathing for the flitting Chinese trends, and nobody does it better than you.
8. The PR Hunter
If you are an expat who is a PR hunter, you probably fell in love with this country when you first checked in. You love it so much, you want to permanently move here and nothing can stand in your way. Now, all your searches are filled with guides' and agents' WeChats to help you get there. Let’s just say we are rooting for you! Earn that PR!
9. The Scared Expat
If you identify as the scared expat, you are just so afraid to break an unknown rule that if it were up to you, you would never leave the house. You double-check if you need a certain permission to a certain something, and you are overly cautious about travel and activities in China because you do not want to end up in jail or worse – deported. You play by the rules, and your first trip after you land at the airport is to the police station. You are here to do China right, and nothing can stand in your way.
10. The Vlogger
You probably never ventured into videography or photography, but since you became an expat in China, you've discovered a whole new career. Your Instagram is slowly infiltrated with sunset pictures of the Summer Palace and that quaint little lake at the park near Tongzhou Beiguan subway exit C. Your family and friends know you are obsessed with a bowl of Lanzhou noodles because that’s your Friday post every week now. You are documenting every bit of your expat life in China, and the world is here for it!
You may just be one type of expat or an amalgamation of three. Whatever it may be, living in a different country unlocks a whole new side to us all. Enjoy this new side of your personality, and make the most of your time here! Also, tell us in the comments below what kind of expat you are.
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Images: Canva