Blog Tag - Advice

How to Have an #instaperfect Trip to Beijing
Who doesn't want to catch the perfect #photooftheday during a trip to unknown territories, the kind that gives your friends the ultimate #travelenvy...
A Month In: Everything I’ve Relived and Re-loved About Beijing
Beijing has been my home for over a decade. It’s the city that witnessed everything from my chaotic childhood years where I learned how to wobble on...
One Year in Beijing: Advice to My Former Self
Today marks exactly one year since my husband and I arrived in Beijing.  It’s been quite an adventure for us both, and as with any life change, I've...
DP 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't "Spark Joy" with Marie Kondo
The Japanese tidying-up guru is taking the world by storm, but Joe Harvey of Beijing's first zero-waste store The Bulk House has a few issues with...
A Teacher's Advice to His Students for Staying Safe during Spring Festival
As a teacher at a study abroad program here in Beijing, I feel it's my duty not only to introduce the wonders of Chinese civilization to...
Practical Picnicking: Advice to Help You Pack Up And Head to the Parks
Public parks in Beijing may not be the best in the world given the unending drought but they do provide tranquil little nooks filled with lush...