Blog Tag - Grape Wall Challenge

Annual Great Wall Challenge Gives You a Great Hit List of Chinese Wines for Valentine's Day
Ask a group of friends to recommend the best Peking duck, burger or craft beer and you will likely have a lively debate on your hands. But wine?...
Grape Wall Challenge Pits Bubblies against Each Other Just in Time for New Year's Eve
With one of the season's best times to pop bubbly – New Year's Eve – just around the corner, the annual Grape Wall Challenge turned its attention to...
Grape Wall Challenge Picks Best Red Wines Under RMB 100
Back in December I helped judge the Sixth Annual Grape Wall Challenge, a event organized by Jim Boyce of the Grape Wall of China wine blog that asks...
Wine Time: Grape Wall Challenge, Vinopolitan at Hilton Beijing and Beaujolais Nouveau
November's shaping up to be a great month for wine lovers, with a variety of events to look forward to. We've put together what ought to be a handy...
Talking Pints: the Beijinger's Tenth Anniversary Party, Great Leap Harvest Fest and other Beer News
If you don't know by now that the Beijinger's Tenth Anniversary Party is on today (Saturday!), you do now. All you need to know is this: The party...