Blog Tag - Loft Eatalicious

How to Eat Like Xi Jinping Did in the UK, Without Leaving Beijing
Updted October 29 12:15pm Xi Jinping's recent jaunt over to jolly ol' England where he visited a local pub to eat some fish and chips and drink a...
Pizza My Mind: Shunyi Resident Pines for Loft Eatalicious, Annie's and Pie Squared
With voting in the first round of the 2015 Pizza Cup now underway (cast your ballot here), we continue to query Beijingers from all walks of life on...
Pizza Profiles: Loft Eatalicious
In the run-up to the Beijinger's 2015 Pizza Cup, we are profiling some of the best pies in Beijing so that you, our faithful readers, can try as many...
Burger Brief: Loft Eatalicious
Our Burger Brief series takes a look at some of the top seeds in the Beijinger 2015 Burger Cup ranking. This time, we talk to Loft Eatilicious and...
Pizza Cup 2014: Where to Score Your Pizza in Shunyi
To get you in the mood for the ongoing voting in the 2014 Pizza Cup, (see our round-up of pizza meal deals here) we've sent our minions out to patrol...