Blog Tag - Raffles

Nestgram and Blanko Opens at Riffles City
Since the Great Brickening, we've stopped by the hutongs less and less and instead flock to shopping malls more frequently. During one such trek at...
Capital Bites: Ferran Adria, New Ganges, Pizza, Steak at China Grill and David Sedaris Dumps on Chinese Food
Ferran Adria, the man behind the El Bulli legend, is coming to Beijing for a one-off cooking demonstration on August 23. The event will take place at...
Update: Suicide Confirmed at Raffles City Dongzhimen
Following rumors posted online earlier today about a death in Raffles City, Dongzhimen, contacted Raffles management, who have...
Death Reported in Raffles Dongzhimen
Reports on various bulletin boards claim a man fell to his death inside the Raffles shopping center at Dongzhimen earlier today. Images said to have...
Capital Bites: Strewth, Beijing’s first Aussie Restaurant!
Flaming ‘ell if it isn't Australia Day today. So don those budgie smugglers, hock up a bush oyster and jackaroo down to Financial Street and Beijing...