Blog Tag - recipes
If you're cooking at home this week, why not try two simple Chinese dishes: sweet and spicy chicken wings and spinach and peanut salad?
The wings...
With winter firmly underway in the capital, all I want to do is go into full hibernation mode and stay at home all snug and warm wrapped in a blanket...
Recently, we’ve been thinking a lot about the Brooklyn cocktail, with one Beijing bar making a great rendition of the drink. The thing is, the...
The weather outside is slowly getting to the point where Jack Frost is going to be nipping at our noses, so it's high time to cozy up with a nice...
If you’re in Beijing over the holiday and looking to up your brunch game, then this shakshuka recipe is the one for you! Shakshuka is one of my all...
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 节气 jiéqì solar terms based on seasonal changes and natural phenomenon. They play an...
For me, once the weather gets cold – and boy has it gotten cold recently -- nothing brings warmth and comfort like a nice bowl of hearty soup. One of...
It's hard to keep track of the traditional Chinese festival calendar, and it's even harder to keep track of all the customs and special foods that go...
Of all the colder weather-appropriate dishes to be found within Chinese cuisine – bubbling hot pot, a steaming bowl of Lanzhou lamian, a hearty bowl...
Since arriving in China I have found conversation inevitably drifts to talking about what kinds of foods and dishes people missed from home. Chai tea...
Popping up everywhere from hillsides and courtyards to markets and snack vendors, beautiful golden-orange persimmons are a sure sign that fall has...
Every new year that I spend in China, I always set myself the resolution of learning how to cook more Chinese dishes, but it can be tricky to find...
With the temperatures already reaching ungodly heights, there's no better time to start adding cooling Chinese summer drinks and snacks into your...
Things are starting to heat up in the capital as summer finally arrives. As China is famous for its fragrant teas, what better way to relax in...
Dry pot (gānguō) dishes appear frequently on the menus of Hunan, Sichuan, and homestyle cuisine restaurants. Exceedingly versatile, gānguō dishes can...
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