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Multiple dates 10:00 am - 1:00 am Toggle calendar
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Step into a slice of Italy at Buona Bocca! Now, we're thrilled to announce the opening of our charming terrace. Enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of our outdoor space while indulging in authentic Italian cuisine crafted with love and passion. Whether you're craving a Spritz, delicious pasta, or a nice aperitivo, our menu has something to delight every palate. Gather your loved ones and savor the flavors of Italy under the open sky at Buona Bocca's terrace.

Buon appetito!


Awaiting moderation
Apr 13 22:00 pm - 4:00 am
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88 Early bird 128 at door.

Experience the ultimate vibes this Saturday at Bara as SNST returns, offering stunning views of the Liang Ma River! Get ready for a night of "River Beats" featuring DJ Creamson's Afro house, DJ George's mix of house and hip hop, and DJ Arquitect's Latin house. It's going to be an unforgettable evening of diverse music and picturesque surroundings!

CREAMSON also known as DJ ENNOE ALPHA. A passionate DJ and music producer, he ensures the dance floor heats up the moment he starts playing.He will make sure we will start moving our bodies when he starts playing Afro house & More!

George stands out in Beijing's music scene and is a resident DJ at our parties. He excels at energizing the crowd and igniting the atmosphere with his blend of house and hip-hop music!

Dairon Cardona, known as Arquitecto Stylish, doesn't need an introduction in Beijing. On the final set of the night, he'll illuminate the dance floor with an incredible mix of Latin House music. We can't wait to hear more!

We'll also set up a 360-degree photo booth at the checkpoint on the outside terrace, allowing our guests to create fantastic and unique videos!


Bara No.53, Maizidian Street Liangma Gangwan Mansion Zhonglou F1 Unit B No.102, Chaoyang District, 100004


Early Bird: 88RMB

At door: 128RMB

all tickets include one free drink!


Awaiting moderation
Apr 12 21:30 pm - 4:30 am
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100 RMB

这个星期五,让我们通过双耳一起回到那个深藏在记忆中、或许变得有些模糊的锐舞年代。我们力邀四位在北京俱乐部场景的新老两代 DJ,带领我们跨入那个充满了梦想的年代——他们是传奇的舞曲音乐先驱 Weng Weng、Ou Yang,以及新锐声音传播者 Qing 与 W.X.M。

从早期英国 Acid house 和自由派对场景的诞生,再到世界各地的超级俱乐部和数字化时代,“绝不循规蹈矩”的锐舞精神和“肆无忌惮的创造力”赋予了整个场景一种超前的表现。90年代初,Techno 的兴起和电子音乐爆炸式的发展,锐舞文化也开始走向更加宽阔的阶段,逐渐形成可以定义一个时代的声音。

几乎是同一时间,改革开放后的中国敞开心扉迎接一切崭新的事物,电子乐伴随着全世界的新鲜信息扑面而来 —— 1998 年夏天,金山岭长城出现了一场名为 “Cheese” 的锐舞派对,人们把巨大的音箱搬上长城,进行了一场持续到第二天早上十点的狂欢。千禧年来临之前,北京已经开始出现第一批俱乐部和电子乐厂牌,户外电子音乐节也开始崭露头角,再到今天,每个城市都迸发出了独特的锐舞繁荣。这片土地上超过 25 年的锐舞文化就像一个持续不断强劲又稳固的鼓点,承载着中国电子音乐文化和俱乐部场景的发展轨迹,反映出不同时期的音乐审美的变化及背后的故事。


Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Apr 13 21:30 pm - 4:30 am
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120 RMB


本周六 04/13 MEDUSA空降ByeByeDisco,但在如此曼妙的春宵里我们才不会和浩斯和迪斯科说拜拜,来一起在妖冶之粉中和天后角色们一起在舞池里颠鸾倒凤不知天地为何物,奏响一整夜仙乐,让整个夜晚都充斥满对阴柔之美的爱慕。

召回了她家族中最爱的伴侣,来将所有的爱、祝福与欣喜若狂献给这夜的狂欢。妈妈最爱的“curious”大男孩Mau Mau将一如既往地straight acting,用冲击灵魂的旋律与桃心撞击的节拍释放各位最深处的秘密(正所谓引蛇出洞)。在北京城长大的夜色名怜Dai Nasty与也跟随粉红步伐回到故乡,用铺满粉红闪粉的靡靡之音彻底解放各位身体的力量,准备好在那深不可测、放荡不羁的音域中同她一起沾胭染脂,飘飘欲仙。把Disco带进紫禁城的小主mother OOPS2也将加入这场春宵嬉戏中,为这夜的旋律带来更多水深火热的湿吻。

当然...皇后们也自然准备好同各位一起“甘酒嗜音”,一起创造一起爱。这一次,妖后为各位准备好了一场#burlesque盛宴。一心谋"拳",想要独承乾坤恩露爱放肆唱响后庭花的当家天后Enema Stone则将联手那杏花微雨, 独自站在杏花影儿里的京城最美舞娘Velvet Teese,用尽每存肌肤与呼吸来带各位探索何谓欲火天堂... Ready? It's show time...


Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Apr 13 18:00 pm - 2:00 am
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1. 微醺票 Sip and smile:39元 2. 尽兴票 Cheers!:59元 3.“嗨”起来票 "Let's get high!":99元

Let's partyyyyy!!! This Saturday, April 13th, come and celebrate the 13th anniversary with CHEERS! Share the joy and happiness with one of the first pioneers of imported wine retail in China! CHEERS has dedicated itself in sourcing great wines all over the world and bringing them without middle men straight to you, our customers. Our mission has always been making every one of you smile.
You can not only be a part of the unique and diverse CHEERS community, feeling the power of wine to bring different people together. What's more, there will be snacks and birthday cake, and of course, a lucky draw!

额外福利:派对当日全场酒款8折!Bonus: all the wines are 20% off all day on 13th April.
1. 微醺票 Sip and smile:39元 包含鸡尾酒DIY套餐一份Cocktail DIY package*1、小食Snacks;
2. 尽兴票 Cheers!:59元(含1杯免费起泡酒 One free sparkling wine included),包含鸡尾酒DIY套餐一份Cocktail DIY package*1、小食 Snacks;
3.“嗨”起来票 "Let's get high!":99元(含1杯免费起泡酒 One free sparkling wine included),包含鸡尾酒DIY套餐一份 Cocktail DIY package*1、伯纳德起泡酒一瓶(零售价99元)1 bottle of Bernard Sparkling Wine (worth 99RMB) 、Snacks


CHEERS 13th Anniversary
Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Apr 12 19:00 pm - 1:45 am
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Boys and girls Sanlitun Bar Street
Albatross member 50 Basic member 120 Non member 150

Join us this coming Friday, April 12th, for an evening of fun, music, and great company at one of the most elegant bar on Sanlitun street, Boys and Girls.

Dress to impress and get ready for a memorable night.

Network with professionals from various backgrounds and industries in a vibrant setting.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your connections and build valuable relationships. You are welcome to invite your friends or colleagues to join InterNations community.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Gabriela Filipovici

InterNations Beijing Ambassador

WeChat 13501382597


Editor's Pick