

Joined: Mar 19, 2016
Posts: 203

My name is wen wen,I’m from beijibger,I already teaching Chinese more than 10 years,I can teach all levels,from level1 to level 6,if u interested to learn some Chinese I’m very happy to help you.we can trying work together,find good way learning languages.u never trying u never know.

My prices:160rmb one hour

We chat:wendyyuanwenwen

Have a nice day


Spring Whispers

A books store and library specializing in magazines and zines, including publications spanning topics such as music, fashion and design, and arts. At the magazine library location at Donsishitiao, Unlike other cafés, you'll need to pay RMB 50 for an “all-day experience” fee or RMB 399 for full-year access.

Baron Rozi Restaurant Xinjiang Cuisine

This Xinjiang restaurant is palatial in appearance and the food is really good. The chuan'r are much bigger than at most other Xinjiang restaurants, and you'll find many other good lamb dishes, as well as noodles. There is live entertainment too on the first floor, consisting mostly of Uygher dancing and singing.