Open opportunities for intriguing interviews with over 20 schools for all to happen in just one day! 2019 Amazing China International Education Jobfair Grand Opening !
Beijing ,Saturday, November 9th;Grand Metropark Hotel
Guangzhou,Sunday, November 24th ;LN Garden Hotel
Shanghai ,Saturday, December 7th;Pullman Shanghai South Hotel
International /Public/bilingual Schools will provide over 200 positions across China , Interact and connect with principles face-2-face for effective offers !
Sign-Up For Talents,please CLICK here to get free admission :http://www.teachdeme.com/index.php?m=jobfair Booth booking for schools , please contact Organizer Admin :【English- 13122122968】【Chinese-13681667051 】more details,please follow:Teachdeme on Facebook. LinkedIn & Wechat」