Beijing Events


Mar 6 21:00 pm - 23:00 pm
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Jazz Singer / Jazz Composer / Music Educator in America

2021 年获得美国纽约市⽴⼤学皇后学院Aaron Copland School of Music 爵⼠声乐表演硕⼠学位,师从于美国爵⼠⾳乐家Chareneè Wade。

He graduated from the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music with an undergraduate degree in music education; After graduating from college, he went to Berlin, Germany, to study classical piano art instruction.

During his graduate study in the United States, he worked withChareneè Wade, David Berkman, Jeb Patton , Dennis Mackrel, Antonio Hart,Grammy Award-winning professor Michael Mossman and other jazz musicians to study jazz music in a comprehensive and systematic way.

In mid-2024, Xu Chenxi released his first solo full-creative jazz album "Seek and Find" and began a new album tour.

At present, Xu Chenxi is active in major jazz venues in China and continues to perform, create and engage in jazz vocal music and improvisation teaching.


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