[UPDATE] Beijing Fight Club: Registration for White Collar Boxing's Brawl on the Wall 2018 Now Open
[UPDATE May 10, 11.30am] Unfortunately, this year's Brawl on the Wall has been canceled due to a shortage of fighters.
Registration is now open for this year's Brawl on the Wall, which means with every passing hour your time left to fight your way up to prime boxing fitness ahead of the Jun 1 fight is dwindling.
The annual event retains its usual format: boxing hopefuls sign-up to train as part of a 12-week program (more on that here) before going head to head with each other in their respective weight classes at the big showdown at the beginning of summer. Friends and fans then purchase tickets to come cheer on their favored fighters.
This year the organizers, White Collar Boxing, have teamed up with four of the city's top gyms – Fight Republic, Capital Training Center, Alfa Gym, and Quanzun – in order to provide entrants with the best possible equipment, personnel, and regimens to see them exit the training in their peak physical condition.
So, if you're looking for an excuse to take part in a world-class training program and have the chance to fight in front of hundreds of people, simply sign up via White Collar Boxing's official website before Apr 6 and start you training ASAP. For more information, email nina@chinasportspromotions.com, call 021 3223 0563, or follow the official WeChat account by scanning the QR code in the poster below.
The Beijinger is a proud media sponsor of Brawl on the Wall.
Photos courtesy of White Collar Boxing
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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 13:09 Permalink
Re: Beijing Fight Club: Registration for White Collar Boxing...
I'm going to join this and pretend I can't fight. Little will they know that I once knocked out my 90-pound girlfriend with one blow.
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