Agenda's Out! Pastry chefs, lakeside lounging, China Law Blog and more
For centuries, Beijingers have been whiling away the summer on the breezy banks of city’s lake systems – some natural, some manmade. Check out today’s top venues for keeping this enjoyable tradition alive in the new issue of Agenda – out now, and available around town.
This issue’s Spotlight features shine on another bumper crop of Beijing luminaries, including
Comptoirs de France Executive Chef Philippe Ancelet, Kokoh Conley jazz trio, the people behind the Chinese dining reviews supersite and founding blogger Dan Harris of China Law Blog. In The List, we sort you out with roundups of Beijing’s time-honored merchants (laozihao 老字号), A-list hair salons and Solana’s smorgasbord of eatery options.
Along with two fabulous weeks of events, a fresh batch of Try These venue recommendations and much more, this is another can’t-miss issue.