Turkey Huntin'
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we went a turkey huntin' in Beijing. We share our catch with you below, so that you won’t be left out in the cold this holiday season. Gobble Gobble!
For those looking for a place to go and enjoy a Thanksgiving feast, check out this week's 7 Days in Beijing newsletter for a comprehensive list of restaurants around town offering special Thanksgiving spreads.
1. Bento and Berries: RMB 900/kg for fully cooked. Turkeys weigh in at around 6-8kg. Need to order one day in advance
2. Boucherie Michel: RMB 75/kg for US turkey; RMB 50/kg for China turkey. Turkeys are around 4-10kg. Additional 30% for a cooked turkey. Comes with stuffing and gravy.
3. Lido Deli: RMB 138/kg for fully cooked bird. Turkeys are around 5-8kg. Includes stuffing and gravy.
4. Kempi Deli: RMB 168/kg for fully cooked. Turkeys are around 7-8kg. Includes three sides and stuffing.
5. Gourmet Corner: RMB 75/kg for frozen or cooked. Turkeys are around 5-8kg.
6. German Food Center: RMB 40/kg for China turkey; RMB 50/kg for US turkey. Only frozen turkeys available.
7. Grandma’s Kitchen: RMB 580 for a 16 pound (7.3kg) cooked turkey.
8. Tim’s Texas BBQ: RMB 600-700 for a whole cooked turkey depending on the size of the turkey. Turkeys range from 15-20 pounds (7-9kg).
9. The Grill: RMB 588 for a whole cooked turkey. Around 2.5 kg
10. Chef Too to go: RMB 1,280 for a 12-14 pound (5.5-6.4kg) turkey; RMB 1,675 for an 18-22 pound (8.2-10kg) turkey. All turkeys are cooked and include 11 side dishes.
11. Peter’s Tex-Mex: RMB 50/kg for raw; RMB 75/kg for cooked turkey. Expect to pay around RMB 700 for a whole cooked bird.