Thai in a Hutong Setting: The New Purple Haze Bistro

As the Gongti branch celebrates five violaceous years of business, the new incarnation of this Beijing Thai institution has opened in a renovated traditional courtyard dwelling.

The decor, utilizing antique wooden cabinets, takes a departure from the slick, modern original, while the snug space is illuminated by a glass roof. The menu sticks to the winning formula, with favorites like the green mango salad (RMB 38) with nuts, chilli and shrimp, the beef with Thai pesto (RMB 52), and creamy coconut dishes.

The curries offer a gentle introduction to the flavors of Thailand, like the creamy, mildly spicy red curry (RMB 48) with crunchy bamboo shoots. Rounded out with a variety of vegetables blanched or stir fried to perfection, like the Thai-style spinach with shrimp paste (RMB 32), the food makes the grade.

With a live jazz band set to play every Wednesday, look forward to a new epoch of Southeast Asian sensuality in inviting surroundings.

Daily 11am-11pm. 1 Dongsiliutiao (east exit), Dongcheng district. (8404 3392, 6501 9345) 东城区东四六条一号(东口)

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