Quick Link: Carsick Cars Washington Post Favourite

The Washington Post music blog Click Track published a post today, featuring the top 10 bands at Texas' SXSW festival picked by David Malitz. As we stroll down the list one by one, the last paragraph reads like this:

"I've saved the best for last. I like electric guitars. I like the sounds they make. I especially like when there's one really great sound and it is hypnotic and drones on for minutes at a time while the rhythm section keeps things chugging along. Sonic Youth pretty much perfected this, the Clean did a mighty fine job of refining it and now three kids in their mid-20s from Beijing have managed to enter that hallowed territory. High praise, I realize, but after witnessing a pair of their shows this week there is no denying this group is onto something special. Carsick Cars guitarist/vocalist Zhang Shouwang utilizes a small army of effects pedals to create his swirling cacophonies but everything is steeped in songcraft. The band's Saturday show at Speakeasy closed with "You Can Listen You Can Talk" and "Zhong Nan Hai," the latter of which is basically this Chinese generation's version of "Teenage Riot." EXCEPT BETTER. Interview with this band coming soon, too."

This is not the first time Carsick Cars have been mentioned in this blog though, as David Malitz also listed You Can Listen You Can Talk along with the likes of Animal Collective as one of the top 10 albums of 2009 in this post.

Isn't that beautiful? The Americans will soon be throwing their cigarettes to our cars.


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