Classified of the Week: This Beijing Ayi Will Clean Your Washing Machine
Beijing's diversity and Internet anonymity make for strange bedfellows. Nowhere is this more true than in our website's Classified Ads section. We've seen it all – and then some. And that doesn't even cover the ads we must disapprove because they just aren't fit for a good, clean, wholesome website like ours.
There are many great housekeepers out there, including a male ayi who will happily do your dishes, but it's hard to find an ad that will explicitly say: We will clean your washing machine. As if all that laundry detergent wasn't enough.
What would the Ouhao Cleaning and Disinfection Center be anyway if they weren't completely thorough? Here's what they have to say:
Washing machine cleaning
There's often a lot of dirt inside a washing machine that a normal clean cannot remove.
We clean washing machines from inside out removing odor and dirt.
If you don't have a smelly washing machine, these guys also do all that other good stuff, like cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. They can crack down on your cockroaches too if you're really living in the dumps.
For more housekeepers in Beijing, check out our classifieds.
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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 04/10/2013 - 21:57 Permalink
Re: Classified of the Week: This Beijing Ayi Will Clean ...
I can't vouch for these people's service, but your washing machine does need to be cleaned out periodically. Despite regular washing, you can easily get a buildup of scum, mold and mildew in both top and front loaders, and even in your detergent drawer (which are notorious for growing black mold). If you have a front loader be sure to check the folds of the door seal: they're often harboring some serious junk after a while. And of course unless you've got a whole house filter you're putting hard water in there and will have buildup from that.
I'd say these folks are just hoping to make money off people who don't know how to clean their own stuff, or who think it's a bigger deal than it really is. Cleaning your washer is pretty easy. If you've got a front loader take out the drawer and soak it. Then use vinegar water to spray out and scrub the drum and the folds of the door seal. Use a Q-tip or something to get in there good. (Don't use bleach; it'll destroy the seal of your front-loader over time). Then run a cycle with just vinegar, no clothes. If you have a top loader you can use bleach, and be sure to bleach the upper part of the drum (where water in a wash won't reach as easily) and use bleach on your drawer.
You would also be wise in this dust and grit-flled city clean under it once in a while.
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