The Beijinger 10th RBCA: Meet the Personalities – Tom Cattanach

With voting ongoing in this year's the Beijinger Reader Bar & Club Awards, we look to the eight nominees for the Personality of the Year award, asking them for their take on the best the city has to offer.

Today, we quiz Tom Cattanach, manager at Black Sun Bar.

On the Best Hutong Bar
Bob's Wine.

I'm not sure that counts as a "hutong bar."
It's down a back alley, though.

On the Best for Outdoor Drinking
Bob's Wine.

On the Best Rooftop
I like the rooftop bars of Gulou, but I have no idea what they're called.

On the Best Sanlitun
I try with all my might to stay away from "Tin Can Alley," so I'm afraid I'll have to say The Den.

On the Best Local Craft Beer
Well, I prefer Great Leap.

On the Best Manager

Karl Long? (Note: Tom was formerly employed as glass collector in Paddy O'Shea's)
No, not that knob.

On the Best for Daytime Drinking
I used to enjoy drinking out on the corner at Heaven Supermarket.

On the Best Place to Impress Visitors
I took my mam up to the Capital Club last time she was in town.

On the Best Value for Money
Certainly The Den with its happy hour, but most of the places in Sanlitun are cheap.

On the Bar of the Year
I like Brussels.

On the Best New Bar
Dare I say it, I do happen to like the new Paddy's.

On the Best Place for Dancing
Juicy, because I'm supporting the Chaoyang West Side.

On the Best Survivor
Schiller's or The Den. Nobody can bring them down!

On the Best Sports Bar
POS (Paddy O'Shea's).

On the Best for Cocktails
Are you joking me? When was the last time I ever ordered a cocktail? I've got absolutely no thoughts on that, except for a vodka and Coke. I happen to pour a pretty good one meself.

On the Best for Wine
Bob's Wine.

On the Best Quiz Night
Tom Champagne hosts an outstanding quiz – the only one worth going to – at The Bookworm.

On the Best Place to Play Pool
The billiards hall on Gongti.

On the Best Place to Bring a Date
How would I know that when I'm in a steady, rock-solid relationship?

You never take your girlfriend out?
Date your own bird?

Best Place to Find a Date
Dare I say, without getting in too much trouble ...?

On the Best Hidden Gem

On the Best Lido Bar
I suppose I'd say Little Britain.

On the Best Ladies' Night
Well, it's ladies' night every night of the week in Paddy's, but apart from that I think the best one is at Juicy.

Vote for Tom in the Best Personality category of this year's the Beijinger Reader Bar & Club Awards here.

Photo: Courtesy of Gary Saunders