Five Local Markets for Chinese Pottery and Porcelain

The art of ceramics is so entwined with Chinese culture that porcelain is also called “china” in English. Although the modern Beijing has become a center of economics and politics, we are glad to still be able to find markets where this old art still flourishes.

Ceramics can be categorized into industrial products, such as bricks and tiles, and and art product, such as handmade pottery and fine porcelain. Chinese ceramics can also be identified as being from the north or the south, due to the differences in the raw materials caused by contrasting geology.

Here's our list of the best places in the capital to find pottery and porcelain products.As you and your family explore the markets where they are sold, you can also take the opportunity to acquaint your kids with some Chinese history and culture. For example, the word "china" actually comes from the transliteration of Changnan, the old name for Jingde Town until the Song dynasty (960–1279), where some of the country's best porcelain is made.

Happy exploring!

Minlong Pottery Market 闽龙陶瓷市场

This large-scale market sells pottery, cloisonne enamel, porcelain and many other Chinese art works. A wide variety of goods on displayed at the front of the market, with more goods stored for wholesale at the back. These vendors are also popular among locals shopping for building material, such as floor tiles.

Daily 8am-6:30pm. East part of Shilihe Lu, Chaoyang Street (6747 767) 北京市朝阳区十里河建材一条街东段

 Beijing Curio City北京古玩城

You can find historic and artistic ceramic pieces in this four-floor building among many other antique goods such as Chinese paintings, antique furniture, bone carvings, pearls and jade products. You may spot some of the best Jinde Town porcelain and tri-colored glazed pottery, tangsancai (唐三彩) among numerous counterfeits. Do not assume that you'll always get genuine antiques at a low price; this is also a tourist attraction after all.

Daily 9:30am-6:30pm. 21 Dongsanhuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6774 7711) 朝阳区东三环南路21                                     

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