Peking Man: To the Guy Who Stole My iPhone

Hi there, and congratulations on your new iPhone 5.

Let me first say that you’re a truly talented thief. I mean, one second I’m checking WeChat and the next I’m wrestling random people to the ground and rifling through their pockets.

Listen, I’ll be frank: I am willing to pay cold hard cash to get that phone back. 200 kuai. Okay, 500.

If you’re not in it for the money, I would be willing to give you one of my friends’ phones in exchange for mine. You could totally trade up here. My friend Mark – you might remember him, he was walking with me when you stole my phone – just got a brand new 5S and hasn’t dropped it once. As you might have noticed, my screen looks like a bed of mud cracks. You don’t want that.

If you’re unwilling to part with the phone, I understand. It’s got a pretty sweet My Little Pony case and what may be the world record high score on Flappy Bird. You’re welcome to keep it. I mean, you earned it with those wiley fingers. But can you at least download all my pictures and send them to me? Dropbox should be fine.

I ask that you please do not look through the files as you download them. It is unfair to judge me based on the contents of my phone without proper context. And before you ask: No, I’m not embarrassed about the number of shirtless selfies on there. I love my body and make no apologies for it. If you’re interested in achieving my body mass index, we can converse further through email.

I don’t think I have to say this, but please do not call anyone on my contact list pretending to be me. They won’t fall for it. And don’t have McDonald’s deliver a bunch of food to my apartment because they have my number and address on file. It would only waste the delivery man’s time.

If you do decide to dial random numbers, please do not call “Stephanie 2.” It’s a long story but we sort of dated for a while before I lied and told her I left the country. I only have her number in case she calls me. If you do happen to call one of my friends, make sure to tell them your real name and where you are.

If you’re really intent on keeping the phone, can you at least tell me something about yourself, like where you’re from or what you do? I’d feel a lot better knowing that my phone was in good hands.

Please don’t think this is a ploy to get my phone back. On the contrary, I am willing to let it go. Sure, the phone meant a lot to me – you might even say it was my entire god damn life – but maybe it will come to mean even more to you.

In fact, I encourage you to make new memories with it and sync them with iCloud. Take a lot of selfies and group photos with your accomplices. Remember to keep geotagging on. It also doesn’t hurt to record videos of yourself going about your day, walking around your neighborhood and confessing to stealing phones in your spare time.

 I do hope that you’ll get in touch, but if not, enjoy the phone that I worked so hard to buy. May it serve you as well as it served me.
Oh, one last thing, I can’t find my bike. Did you steal that too?

Click for more of our new May issue of the Beijinger

Photo: Proletkult Graphic on The Noun Project


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Sjraerae wrote:

I feel you man... I was sititng outside V Lounge on a saturday night at about 2am unsuspectingly having a cigarette when a man sprinted past and snatched my iPhone.

For some reason Long Islands make me feel like Usain Bolt and I attempted to run after him, only to have him pull out a swiss army knife and twist it round pathetically into the palm of my outstretched hand.

I then fell down and compressed all the ligaments in my arm. I don't have a laptop so I was technology-less for about 3 weeks and I now have a Nokia Lumia which makes me want to return to those technology-less days.

Lifes hard ey

Guess next time you won't sit there with your phone on the table like a retard, huh?

these days in wudaokou area chinese guys approach you with stolen i phones to sell,,just walk around the area they will find u..they approached me several times,,


Seriously ?

You have an iPhone 5 and you don't back up your contacts ?

You don't sync your photos via the cloud, wifi, or simple USB cable ?

You don't have a password protection ?

Why do you have a smartphone then ?

oh yeah..... to show off !

stop whining and get yourself a 200RMB phone, that is all you need anyway...

I feel you man... I was sititng outside V Lounge on a saturday night at about 2am unsuspectingly having a cigarette when a man sprinted past and snatched my iPhone.

For some reason Long Islands make me feel like Usain Bolt and I attempted to run after him, only to have him pull out a swiss army knife and twist it round pathetically into the palm of my outstretched hand.

I then fell down and compressed all the ligaments in my arm. I don't have a laptop so I was technology-less for about 3 weeks and I now have a Nokia Lumia which makes me want to return to those technology-less days.

Lifes hard ey

Now I can see for miles, miles, miles...

britomart wrote:

satire is lost on the unwashed masses...

...same with sarcasm!

Does this really look like the face of concern?

satire is lost on the unwashed masses...

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

If you were 'wrestling random people to the ground and rifling their pockets' I am surprised they did'nt kick the crap out of you , unless you posted the blog from your hospital bed!

Does this really look like the face of concern?

Has Stephanie2 read this blog?

You have my empathetic condolences. I am glad you feel comfortable saying how you feel about theft of property and meaning.

The type that stole from you attacks, gloats and ridicules without reason. As you see in the comments from those trying to upset you further, that's them being polite.

Presumably you have reported the theft to the police. The good ones who find iPhones and bring them to the police, in the present era, tend to be quiet. Don't listen to the uninformed extremists who say reporting theft to the police is always a waste of time and only bad always happens and no good ever happens. In fact, some stolen property is returned every year, good samaritans do exist, the way to give stolen property a chance to be returned by legal methods is by completing a police report, and sometimes hope is answered.

Criminals target who is impoverished.

One of the sickos' favourite ways to keep a slave class is to force commerce restricted to $0 trade value, force imaginary wealth in social expectations ("Why don't you give your $1 billion we pretend you have to us to feed us? We hate you for not feeding us for free.") in order to force poverty. They are sick. Ignore them, live your life without that insofar as they ever let you out of prison. In the interim, support the police who are doing their best to swerve society from bad to good.

If you feel bored, here is something to do,

Note the solutions are... stupid.

Wow. It must be nice, having your own column where you can 'jokingly' whinge about losing your precious iPhone. With your poor life as awful as it must be, what with the damaged screen you had, ex's you had to avoid and diet consisting mainly of junk food, it's a wonder these educational and insightful columns don't just write themselves!

well, chinese thieves dont understand english.

You lied that girl you leaved the country ???? Then you really deserving to have your phone stoled , I am so happy for it !!!!

The phone was your, "entire goddamn life."?! Then maybe you should use this as an occasion to get one. A life, I mean. Seriously, if there's that much stuff you can't afford to lose on the phone, then you're to blame. Putting highly valuable information in a vulnerable setting is culpable stupidity. Always back up what's valuable. Duh.

Nothing human is foreign to me. A lot of you gobshites are aggravating, however.