EAT: Chi Fan for Charity, White Truffle Season, and Another Guest Chef at TRB

As I hope you're aware by now, this Saturday night is Chi Fan for Charity. There are still a few seats remaining at some of Beijing's most popular restaurants at all price levels, including Q Mex, Hatsune, Opera Bombana and Barolo (hosted by yours truly), so do your bit to make sure they sell out as they have done every year previously.

Temple Restuarant Beijing (whose Chi Fan for Charity table has been sold out since the beginning) is hosting yet another international chef this week. Belgian chef Olly Ceulenaere is taking over the kitchen fresh from opening his own highly-acclaimed restaurant Publiek in Gent, Belgium. Expect modern, pared down food that makes the best of seasonal produce, and is likely to be a bit more "casual" in style that some of the chefs they've hosted previously. 

If an internationally-renowned chef at Beijing's best restaurant isn't fancy enough for you, you'll be happy for the reminder that fall is white truffle season. The best of these pricey delicacies come from Alba in the Piedmont region of Italy and several high-end restaurants are celebrating them with special set menus, including Sureno, Cepe, Qi and Mio. If you read Chinese, Daily Vitamin has a good write up of the menus at Sureno and Mio.   

More dining events and promotions not to miss this week:

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Photo: Bluumwezi (Flickr)