All You Need to Know About the Systemwide Subway Price Changes

The Beijing Subway system has launched new distance-based pricing. Here's all you need to know about the changes:

-- Four new sections of track are now open, though seven stations will remain closed -- most notably the Chaoyang Park south station on Line 14 and the Shuangjing station at Line 7. The most notable of the new lines is Line 14, which will connect 798, Lido and Chaoyang Park into the network.

Related: New Subway Prices Take Effect; English Interface is Excellent

-- New distance-based pricing is in effect. The base fare is RMB 3 and the highest fare is RMB 9. Check your new fares here.

-- If you lose your ticket while in the station, you will need to pay the fare of the longest-distance trip from that station (in most cases this is RMB 8 or RMB 9).

-- The fine for jumping the turnstiles has been set at RMB 90.

-- The height limit for free children's tickets has been raised from 1.2 meters to 1.3 meters. All children under 1.3 meters are now free.

Image:, Wikipedia


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squid wrote:

What changes, or improvements to the overall running of the city do people think is going to happen with all the extra income this will generate for the city? Does anyone believe you will ever see even on cintilla of advantage to the city because of this money?  Had they not inplemented this, what city programs could the government not have been able to afford, that they now can? Will there be any benefit whatsoever?

I think it is going to go to plug the deficit the subway's been running.

Say what you will about Beijing's subway system but there's no doubt that even after the fare increases, it's still cheaper than most.


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What changes, or improvements to the overall running of the city do people think is going to happen with all the extra income this will generate for the city? Does anyone believe you will ever see even on cintilla of advantage to the city because of this money? Had they not inplemented this, what city programs could the government not have been able to afford, that they now can? Will there be any benefit whatsoever?

On the other hand, how many negatives will this cause? How many people will be financially impacted by this? Many. Many.

Imagine just one simple scenario. A young Chinese guy wants to take his date to a country park in ChangPing. Before the price for riding a subway would have been two dollars there, two dollars back, for two people. He could probably afford the 8 yuan. Now, its going to be 36 yuan just for the subway. Food, tickets to get into the park, perhaps also a bus ride because the subway doesn't go all the way, ....I think we better just not go. Vendors at the county park lose. He stays in the city, using more electricity. The government gets nothing. Everyone loses, but the government has more money for some new project supposedly, that will never happen and you will never see.

Everyone loses.

Hmm....well let's see.....I know many people say that it is still reasonable compared to other big cities. I am from a small city in the US and before coming to China, I had never been on a subway before, so I don't know the costs of the subway system in US cities. All I know is this...the farthest I often need to travel is Babaoshan. From where I live at Liufang, it used to cost 4 RMB round trip. Now, according to the fare calculator, it will cost 12 RMB. Yeah yeah...I know......people say "That is still a good bargain for such a long ride", "It is still much cheaper than the subway in other countries/cities." But, when you are living on an already tight budget and your subway fare to and from a place you have to go to frequently TRIPLES, then it is NOT reasonable in your eyes. So, now I can understand why the locals are not happy about it.

By the way....I am pretty sure the bus fares raised also from basic fare of 1 RMB to 2 RMB.

Ok....I know none of the complaining will do any good, especially in China, but I just wanted to vent a little of my frustration about the rate hike. Anyway...better not say anything else negative about it or else I might get a visit from the "Houdini Police".

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