WSJ's Beijing Bureau Reveal Their Favorite Foods
We read The Wall Street Journal's China Real Time Report every weekday morning, so we were interested when they published a list of their favorite meals from around China for 2015.
"As we usher in the Year of the Monkey, The Wall Street Journal looks back at some of the food that fueled our articles on everything from China’s vastly changing economic landscape, tense political climate, educational overhaul and uprooted factories to its cyber espionage, pollution problems, sluggish real estate sector and its rising film market," the WSJers wrote.
Eight out of the nine are Chinese – we love their local focus – with the only foreign indulgences being tacos stuffed with kimchi and beef from Palms LA Kitchen, which won Outstanding Korean at the the Beijinger's 2015 Reader Restaurant Awards and homemade cold tofu from Vin Vie.
They definitely have a preference for Yunnan cuisine, with three of the dishes coming from that southwestern province. They liked Jingpo ghost chicken from Outstanding Yunnan award winner In and Out, mint salad from Aimo Town Yunnan Restaurant, and goat cheese with cured meat and green peppers from Hani Gejiu.
Check out their list and then try out some of their choices during the holiday.
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Steven Schwankert
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 17:19 Permalink
Re: WSJ's Beijing Bureau Reveal Their Favorite Foods
Grow up and get a VPN, already.
I am here
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 02/09/2016 - 13:10 Permalink
Re: WSJ's Beijing Bureau Reveal Their Favorite Foods
The article should have been copied and pasted below. The Beijinger author assumes everyone has a VPN! The Wall Street Journal is blocked in China without one!
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