Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? And Other Vax Q's Answered
It has been more than six months since the COVID-19 vaccines were made available in China and more than 80 percent of Beijingers have received a complete dosage. Those numbers are more or less matched by foreigners in Beijing as well – at least according to the Beijinger's Safe & Sane group chat surveys.
However, as the virus continues to mutate in less inoculated corners of the world, vaccine questions abound once again. To clear up some of the ongoing confusion, CCTV has come up with a new round-up post to resolve some of these questions and doubts, and we've taken the liberty of translating the relevant questions.
We recognize that, while the majority of readers have been vaccinated, some are still yet to receive the shots, so we've divided the questions below into questions for those already vaccinated and for those yet unvaccinated.
I'm already vaccinated
Will my vaccine be able to protect us from the mutant virus?
Based on the results of current trials, all Chinese COVID-19 vaccines appear to be effective against facing the mutant virus from South Africa, the UK, India, Brazil. That includes reducing infection rates and severity of symptoms for the latest Delta mutation.
How long can the vaccine protect us?
Experts predict that protection may begin to gradually fade away 6 months after the injection, though it will not fade completely for most people. However, it's not yet been confirmed whether booster shots will be required in order to maintain immunity. If and when the issue is confirmed one way or another, we will let you know on our blog.
Someone added me on Wechat/called me/texted me about vaccine-related issues and asked me to register with my info or make a transaction.
This is likely to be a fraud. If you have doubts, contact local health authorities to confirm. (The Beijing CDC can be reached at 10-58900240 or 58900216).
I'm not vaccinated yet – what else should I know before taking the leap?
Who is suitable for Chinese vaccines?
People above 18 years old are eligible for the vaccination, while in urgent situations, kids above 3 years old can also be accepted. Elders above 60 years old are highly recommended to get vaccinated.
Female who are preparing for pregnancy, in the pregnancy or lactation period are also safe to get their vaccination done, and can still breast feed.
People suffering from allergies other than any ingredient from the vaccine can still get their injections done, although those suffering from active symptoms of rhinitis, palpitation, or alcohol allergies should wait until symptoms subside.
People who are suffering from any acute disease, having a fever, or allergic disease should postpone their vaccination date.
If you have gotten any other vaccines recently, please wait for at least 14 days before you get the injection for the COVID-19 vaccine.
People previously infected with COVID-19, including asymptomatic carriers, can get their first shot 6 months after recovery and consulting with a doctor.
What are the differences between all kinds of vaccines available on the market?
Different types of vaccines require taking one to three shots in order to be effective. The one-shot vaccine is the most efficient option in emergencies. However, for people who have a hampered immune system, the two-shot or three-shot vaccines are better choices.
It is not recommended to take the one-shot vaccine after you have already received any of the other types.
As for the effectiveness, the estimated efficacy rate is as follows:
If I have severer side effects after the vaccination, does it mean it is more effective?
Unfortunately, no. Whether you have side effects and how strong they will be are mostly depends on your physical and health conditions.
Why is my vaccine not transparent or has floccule in it?
This is normal and you may see the solution displays layers when left still.
Read: Getting Tested for STDs in Beijing: Where to Go and What to Do
Images: UNSPLASH, the Beijinger
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 22:05 Permalink
Re: Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? And Other Vax Q's...
So I decided to step down to this fayre-based festifval. It was a fairly nice day, and , a fair haired, fairly nice driver picked me up and drove me. Now don't get dirty thoughts, he didn't drive me like that. It cost a fair bit, and I remostrated `that's not fair? He remonstrated `fair is fair driving a fairy to the fayre' . I submitted willingly. The fayre itself was fairly fair, though to be fair, I wouldn't fare well conducting such fairylike fare. I got hungry. The fare was fair,Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)
I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self
I could see what was coming down the line, so at the start of my latest gig, said, in no uncertain terms, I woulnd never receive any vaccination. After a couple phone calls was assured that vaccination would be totally voluntary. Yeah. right. I can still take the gaotie, but for how long, I don't know. Might have to pull a Lao Zi and hit the mountains of Yunnan or thereababouts.
On the down side, failure to vaccinate might mean your being blacklisted from fayre-based festivals. Because herd-mentality is a far far greater desideratum than herd-immunity. My apartment complex recently closed all gates except one so they can screen visitors for not being vaccinated. Safety achieved, it seems, must be celebrated by implementing even more draconian measures. (Why does the hoary old locution "Sodoms-Afflinge" start rattling round in my recall this darkling eve?)
okay , that's about as much of that bshot I can write at one go.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 16:07 Permalink
Re: Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? And Other Vax Q's...
Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)
I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self
I could see what was coming down the line, so at the start of my latest gig, said, in no uncertain terms, I woulnd never receive any vaccination. After a couple phone calls was assured that vaccination would be totally voluntary. Yeah. right. I can still take the gaotie, but for how long, I don't know. Might have to pull a Lao Zi and hit the mountains of Yunnan or thereababouts.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 15:46 Permalink
Re: Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? And Other Vax Q's...
Does My Vaccine Protect From Mutations? (unquote)
I am about as worried about the dreaded Coronavirus as I am worried about (place fatuous remark here). The response, however, to the dreaded Crown Virus, is dread inducing indeed, and which has nothing to do with viruses, health, wellbeing etc. at. all. All us field cattle being turned ineluctably in barn cows, hooked to them milking machines 24/7/ Either that or its the glue factory for you.
I got vaxed and woke up the next a.m. as a 6'8" 235 lb. WNBA virtue-signalling power-forward. Call it Kafka with 21st century characteristics. So no, I may be healthy, but I am even less bearable than my aforetime sunny solarian self
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