Beijing Journey Card Result Shortened to 7 Days
Following our previous report about the removal of the asterisk on China's 行程卡 xíngchéngkǎ (aka Journey Card), the system has been upgraded yet again -- now it tracks travel within seven days instead of 14 days.
Previously, when you logged in to your Journey Card, it would show travel history based on where you'd traveled over a period of 14 days. This meant that if you had been to a medium-risk or high-risk area in the past two weeks this would show on your travel history and you may encounter problems traveling to other cities.
The system, which has been in place for two years, saw an asterisk used for any city containing an elevated risk area. The system was meant to be used by destination cities to screen travelers. In many cases, this made it impossible for people to travel freely between cities without the need for quarantine (and in some cases, cities would even block travelers coming from cities with an asterisk outright).
So, what does it mean to people now that the peirod has been shortened to seven days? Well, for people who have been to medium-risk or high-risk areas over a week ago, the journey card will no longer display this travel history. This should make it easier for people to travel to different cities or at least reduce the time you'd need to wait before traveling from 14 days to seven if you've been to a medium-risk or high-risk area.
READ: Beijing's Asterisk is Gone for Good
Images: Katie Coy, Irene Li
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Submitted by Guest on Mon, 07/11/2022 - 07:35 Permalink
Re: Beijing Journey Card Result Shortened to 7 Days
Actually this is science. Like ol' Ed Husserl said RIGOROUS Science. After all, what is science? Phenomena conforming to law. You're a phenomenon. You had damned well better conform to the law. Anybody ain't cool with that can go take a quantum leap at a rolling doughnut. Shitscapoople, why Ghebreyesus never got a Nobel Prize for reducing humanity to lawlike behavior is sumpin' I'll never figure out. Racism probably.
I had a philosophy prof, Murray Miles to be exact, whom oft railed on against post-modernism because of its `lack of rigour' . I asked him to rigoursly explain precisely the concept of `rigour', and picked holes in everything he could come up with. He couldn't do it; the old Socratic conundrum.
He had used to like me, afterwards became a bit snooty.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 07/10/2022 - 02:07 Permalink
Re: Beijing Journey Card Result Shortened to 7 Days
Oh great, now it is important only to know where we have been in the last 7 days. How about last 10 days? How about 8 days, is that cool? Maybe I hafta chill for a day, then I'm good. I am sure this is based on the latest science. The whole charade is so facile and fake that anyone with a brain could see through it two years ago. Apparently few people with brains left.
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