No Mahjong Table? No Problem! Game Rooms for Rent!

Did you know that Julia Roberts plays mahjong regularly? At least that’s what she told Stephen Colbert in an interview on his talk show last year. That just goes to show the extent to which this fast-paced game of Chinese origins has spread and why you really should take it up! If you want to take up lessons to learn how to master this fascinating game, check out this article.

As a mahjong lover, I never did take the plunge to buy a table. Partly because of space constraints in my house and in part because I’m saving up for a really awesome electronic table hidden that packs away inside a wooden table carved in traditional Chinese style. So whenever my mahjong friends and I met up for a game, we would play on my living room table or on the dining table, which was clearly less than ideal.

There's more to this story! This article originally appeared on our sister site, Jingkids International.

Click here to continue reading

READ: A Few Chinese Tabletop Games to Learn and Master

Images: Pexels, Vivienne Tseng-Rush


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Giovanni Martini wrote:

Did you know that Julia Roberts plays mahjong regularly? At least that’s what she told Stephen Colbert in an interview on his talk show last year. That just goes to show the extent to which this fast-paced game of Chinese origins has spread and why you really should take it up(unquote)

I should take up Mah Jong because Julia Roberts plays it? Or just because she told some dude called Steve Colbert? Or because it spread? COVID spread (they say). I didn't take that up. Am I a fashion gimp?

Life usedda be simple, potatoes on mondday, carrots on tuesday, Corn an peas on Wednesday, repeat, Throw in some beef or chiccken . Go play in the swamp. Healthy and hale.

Enter the cod above. I have never entered a cod before, tho I have ripped the guts outa many a salmon.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

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