Blog Author - Vanessa Jencks

7 Cool China-Based Innovative Crowdfund Projects Currently Looking for Funding
2017 looks to bring a significant amount of attention to China's economic initiatives, and hopefully lots of funding for new projects courtesy of 
Explore These Chinese Cities From Beijing for Under RMB 300 a Plane Ticket
With June comes the mad scramble to figure out what in the hell you're going to do for a vacation this summer and what's even available now that y
Back Pain Be Gone! My Citywide Search for an Awesome Massage
In late 2014, I started to have these intense migraine episodes.
Count Your Calories with Nutrition Labels at 4 Brands in Beijing
Eating out in Beijing is a culinary delight.
What Parents Want from Schools at BISE
Parents who have never been to the Beijing International School Expo (BISE) might wonder if the trip and talking to so many schools at one time ar
My Beijing Landlord Fought The Law, But The Law Won
One of the most annoying frustrations about life in China when I first moved to Beijing was that electricity needed to be pre-loaded on to our hou
idMASK Announces New Kids Masks
Every year ladies from my community pile up in a van to travel all the way to Shunyi to search out Christmas gifts and deals at WAB and BCIS Chari
Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Lights: Where to Find Them in Beijing This Year
When I was a kid, my whole family would pile up in the family minivan to drive around to the different neighborhoods that were holding Christmas d