Blog Tag - Culture Shock

Turning Culture Shock Into Culture Awe: Tips to Make Your Time in Beijing Awesome, Not Awful
There are so many things to think about when you move to a new country, like looking for a place to live, a school for the kids, grocery stores to...
Crossing the Border: When Does Culture Shock Become Racism?
Experiencing different cultures is part of the reason we travel, and those of us who choose to live somewhere far from home may smugly assume that we...
Homesick or Lonely?: How to Cope With Life Abroad in Beijing
Writing up a survey conducted about whether young Chinese people feel a sense of home or belonging in Beijing made me think about my very early, but...
The Signs of Reverse Culture Shock
The idea that one day as an expat you have to go home doesn’t become a reality until one of your closest friends leaves the country and you have to...
HRG 2015: Culture Shocked - Ten things to expect when moving to China
Whether this is your first or 10th overseas posting, it’s only natural that you will experience some culture shock when you arrive in Beijing. Even...