
Awaiting moderation
Dec 9 19:30 pm -
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Winter is not just a season; it's a feeling, a retreat, a time for introspection. Let the harmonious vibrations of sound healing guide you to a deeper state of relaxation, helping you to tap into the energy reservoirs within. As nature slows down, so should we. Embrace the upcoming winter season by grounding yourself, feeling the energy flow, and replenishing your spirit. 


Editor's Pick
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Multiple dates 21:30 pm - 4:30 am Toggle calendar
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120 RMB


本名 Ziggy Devriendt,是 厂牌的创始人,也是同名 NTS 节目的主持人。因为2019的 Dekmantel Selector 出演而技惊四座。作为比利时人, Nosedrip 对于黄金年代的 Trance 了如指掌,以及来自比利时本国红极一时的 New Beat 音乐(一种他个人认为拙劣的 Acid House、Post-punk 变种曲风) 。随着登上Resident Advisor, Crack, Hessle Audio (Rinse FM) 等知名混音栏目,Nosedrip 展现了他更为广泛的音乐品味与 BPM 区间,Waking Life, Love International 等音乐节邀请接踵而至,布鲁塞尔传奇 Fuse 俱乐部在结业前也邀请 Nosedrip 作 All Night DJ set 表演。不过 Nosedrip 的“名气”其实始于他精心准备的每期电台节目。他在 Mixcloud 坐拥30,000+ 粉丝。以氛围音乐为主基调,夹杂着 New Wave,民谣,摇滚乐,是许多人的工作 BGM。


曾被 RA 评为的月度最佳厂牌, 的发行包括了各种各样新的或不再活跃的音乐人——可以想象一下脆弱悲伤的立陶宛民谣、卧室电子流行乐、重新出土的 Breakbeat、Trance 宝藏等。以及最近的神秘艺术家 Voice Actor 推出的长达109首曲目的专辑。

作为 DJ,Nosedrip 采用相同的理念与原则,产生出与他本人一样神秘的 mix,充满了非同寻常的、令人惊叹的选曲。Nosedrip 最忌惮“digger”这样的标签,他对“丑陋的音乐”情有独钟。这也是一个深度参与音乐收藏的人所持的令人耳目一新的观点,他更喜欢放下不必要的做作,让音乐说话。


We have 3 giveaway tickets for you! Leave a comment below to get a chance to win the ticket. The deadline is 15:00 on the event day.


Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Multiple dates 21:30 pm - 4:30 am Toggle calendar
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100 RMB

这个周五,我们邀请到了五位在北京俱乐部场景中刚刚崭露头角的年轻 DJ 带来一个不太一样的夜晚。在北京的俱乐部场景中,多元化一直是一个被人们提及的话题。由于北京具有超过40年的音乐人才储备基础,在过去的岁月中,大量的音乐人和音乐爱好者都从歌手、乐手、电台 DJ 等不同的身份,开始发展出属于他们的夜间身份,这就是俱乐部 DJ。

在上世纪末,北京的摇滚音乐场景中出现了“北京新声”运动,这场音乐新势力的出现成就了今日北京摇滚、电子音乐的新局面,无数曾经的“新声者”都成为了今天的中坚力量。所以在这片土地上,去挖掘年轻人的声音,去给予年轻人全新的舞台,是属于这座城市的独特之处。本周五,ByeByeDisco 非常欢迎 CLFB、Kousei、WhiTe 小白、NaNnotanumber 和 77Lena 带着属于他们的新声,与我们一同感受多彩的、新锐的、充满可能性的跳舞音乐。


We have 3 giveaway tickets for you! Leave a comment below to get a chance to win the ticket. The deadline is 15:00 on the event day.


Editor's Pick
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Dec 8 20:00 pm - 2:00 am
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It's Paddy's Anniversary!

16 Years, can you believe it?

One of the longest lasting venue of Beijing invites you to celebrate!

Special Guest Music, DJ Vincent von Rock, Cake, freebies and other surprises are on the schedule...

And it's a 100 days only till Saint Patrick!Something to celebrate, too!


Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Dec 1 19:00 pm - 1:00 am
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Albatross member 50, Basic member 120, Non member 150

I am delighted to invite you this coming Friday, December 1st (7pm-1am) for a great evening with live music at a splendid venue, The Ritz Carlton! ️

If you are new in town, new to InterNations or an old member this is a great opportunity for having fun, mingling, meeting new people and making new friends and contacts.

Please feel free to bring your friends or colleagues who you think can benefit from the InterNations networking opportunities, to enjoy an evening of great music, drinks and international company.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!!!

Gabriela Filipovici
InterNations Ambassador Beijing


Editor's Pick
Awaiting moderation
Multiple dates 21:30 pm - 4:30 am Toggle calendar
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120 RMB

她是登上《Mixmag》封面, Resident Advisor 混音系列的首位国人,在荷兰 Dekmantel、日本 Rainbow Disco Club 音乐节创造完美时刻的 DJ;还发表过 Pitchfork 认证的年度最佳曲目,组建在加拿大 Mutek 音乐节登台的实验氛围电子摇滚乐队。

2014年,Yu Su 第一次以业余 DJ 身份回国玩,是 Shy People 和她结识的最开始。彼时的音乐人格是彻头彻尾的怪咖——才真正接触电子音乐世界不算久,更着眼于歌曲的人文表达和微观的视角与情绪。

2018年 Yu Su 开始稳定地做欧洲、亚洲和美国的演出。电音媒体 Resident Advisor (RA) 将其聆听性质的 “Truancy Volume 201” DJ set 列入年度最佳 Mix 之一,打开了 Yu Su 更主流世界辐射范围内的名气。她在这里创作了78分钟的音乐叙事,多层次地触及记忆和内省,如小时候苦练古典钢琴的李斯特曲目,《牯岭街少年杀人事件》配乐,通过每一首曲目为听者提供了窥见她内心世界的一个个小窗口。

成为音乐制作人的第四年,2019年面世的 EP《泉出通川为谷 / Roll With The Punches》不仅口碑大爆(如进入 Pitchfork 和 RA 的年度最佳榜单),她也成功寻找到属于自己作品风格的东方意蕴。同年发布的单曲 “Watermelon Woman” 取名灵感源自爵士乐大师 Herbie Hancock 的 “西瓜男人”,与西方音乐体系建立联系的同时,且以欢愉的节奏扩充了其作品表达的纬度。

2019年4月1日,成为登上 Resident Advisor 知名混音系列的第一位中国音乐人。算是确立某种行业内的承认。这次 DJ set 虽然有了更充盈的节奏,但能听出依旧柔和的配方,闲散的思绪,以及更多的从容与开放。

2019年首登荷兰音乐节 Dekmantel 舞台之后,年底回国做了一次长达 2 个月,遍布祖国东南西北 12 个城市的巡演,让更多国内的朋友认识了她。

2020年的首张专辑《Yellow River Blue》则是对家乡的致敬,亦是个人的音乐自传,试图用音乐来诠释多年来的搬家和巡演、暂时定居以及被拒绝和接受的感受。特别推荐由 Knopha 制作的单曲 “Xiu (宫廷 version)” 混音。我们还发布过该专辑的全球最长乐评。

在走遍各洲大小场合的 DJ 身份和以缓拍电音著称的个人音乐项目之外,Yu Su 还开启了一个更为成熟和复杂的全新创作阶段——主导一支从摇滚到爵士等各类曲风都能信手拈来的四人乐队。今年发布的最新 EP《I Want an Earth》是亲身经历美国加州狂暴洪水之后的深沉反思。

今年又是 Yu Su 持续爆发的一年。马不停蹄地参与了多个大型音乐节如英国 Houghton、日本 Rainbow Disco Club、意大利 Dancity Festival、加拿大 Bass Coast;也分别和 Octave One、Jayda G、Satoshi Tomiie 联名征战;, 成为 Avalon Emerson 首次策划派对的演出成员;巴黎乐队 The Blaze 巡演 DJ 嘉宾。

全球当下最当红的中国电子音乐人 Yu Su,时隔四年荣归京城——12月2日,Shy People 本年度最后一场派对,邀请 Yu Su 及其制作人好友,百会电台联合创始人 Knopha,与我们的 10000 一起在 ByeByeDisco 的水下舞池重新相聚。不见不散。


Awaiting moderation
Multiple dates 21:30 pm - 4:30 am Toggle calendar
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120 RMB

12月1日,FinderShanghai 首次邀请国际嘉宾,来自法国地下实验重型 Hard Techno Live 音乐人 Ha Kyoon,将在 ByeByeDisco 首次开启他的中国巡演,在此之后还将去往上海。

本次 FinderShanghai 的活动当中,Ha Kyoon 将电子 Live 结合军鼓,人声以及其他器乐,呈现多元实验先锋的 Hard Techno Live 现场。

在本次巡演北京站中,FinderShanghai 也邀请了来自上海的 FinderShanghai 厂牌成员参与其中:视觉艺术家 YIFEI 和为舞池服务的优秀 DJ Nikita K. / FEIYI ,以及来自北京本地 Support DJ W.X.M


On December 1st and 2nd, FinderShanghai will invite international guests for the first time, French underground experimental heavy Hard Techno Live musician Ha Kyoon, who will conduct his China tour in Beijing and Shanghai, and the first stop is coming up at ByeByeDisco, Beijing.

In this FinderShanghai event, Ha Kyoon will combine electronic live with snare drum, vocals and other instrumental music to present a multi-experimental pioneer Hard Techno Live scene.

In the Beijing tour, FinderShanghai also invited members of the FinderShanghai label from Shanghai to participate: visual artist YIFEI and excellent DJ Nikita K. / FEIYI who serve the dance floor, as well as local Support DJ W.X.M from Beijing.

While promoting multiculturalism, we will also present a cross-international cultural blending feast.

Line Up

22:00-23:30 Nikita K.

23:30-01:30 FEIYI

01:30-02:30 Hard Techno Live: HA KYOON(FR)

02:30-Late W.X.M

HA KYOON 是一位多元跨界的艺术家,先锋表演艺术家、舞蹈艺术家和音乐人。

HA KYOON 是他的合成器和鼓音乐项目;处于 ebm、节奏噪音和 Techno 硬核的十字路口;军鼓和铙钹的敲击产生了一种非常具有身体力和表演性的音乐,充满了愤怒和欢乐。

他在 WARRIORECORDS、Chronicles Records 和智利厂牌 TSA Records 上发行了自己的音乐。HA KYOON 还与 Dopplereffekt、Heimat、Metaraph、Myako、Ascendant Vierge、UVB76、Angel Karel、Paulie Jan、Rebeka Warrior 等不同艺术家同台演出,并在欧洲不同地方(巴黎、柏林、首尔、布鲁塞尔)演出。

Ha Kyoon is a multifaceted artist, who works mainly in the performing arts field as an acrobat, dancer or actor.

HA KYOON is his musical project for synthesizers and drums; at the crossroads of ebm, rythmic noise and Techno hardcore; hitting on the snare and cymbals give a very physical and performative music, full of rage and joy.

He released his music on WARRIORECORDS, Chronicles Records & the chilean label TSA Records.

HA KYOON shared the stage with very different artists as Dopplereffekt, Heimat, Metaraph, Myako, Ascendant Vierge, UVB76, Angel Karel, Paulie Jan, Rebeka Warrior and many more, and played in different places in Europe (Paris, Berlin, Seoul, Bruxels)


We have 3 giveaway tickets for you! Leave a comment below to get a chance to win the ticket. The deadline is 15:00 on the event day.


Awaiting moderation
Dec 2 20:00 pm -
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A crowd work-only show in stand-up comedy is like a comedy adventure where the comedian doesn't use prepared jokes. Instead, they rely on talking and joking around with the audience, creating funny moments based on what people say or do. It's like a spontaneous comedy party where everyone, including the audience, becomes part of the show. 

The comedian might ask questions, share stories, and make jokes inspired by the crowd's responses, making each show unique and unpredictable. It's all about having fun together and laughing at the spontaneous moments that happen right there, in the moment.


Editor's Pick