5 Chinese Characters to Keep an Eye Out for on Taobao This Singles' Day
Singles’ Day, one of China's biggest and most highly anticipated shopping days is coming up! That’s right folks, a whole day dedicated to appreciating those single ladies and gentlemen out there. Black Friday is no match for the bargains on Singles' Day, and even though consumerism is a shallow and reprehensible pastime, there are usually at least some deals that it would be silly to not take advantage of. That's why we have compiled five Chinese phrases to know when shopping on Taobao for Singles' Day! If you're unfamiliar with how to navigate Taobao then click here for our handy guide.
RELATED: Alibaba's Gross Merchandise Volume Grows to USD 94.3 Billion Ahead of Singles' Day
1. 件件必抢 (jiàn jiàn bì qiāng, must grab)
These are the characters that you immediately see when you land on TMall's homepage. The online shop features items with prices so low, that they are sold out within one minute. Know these important words so you can immediately recognize the hottest deals online. Go big with your purchases and keep a close eye on those must-grab items!
2. 5折 (5 zhé, 50 percent off)
Understanding how the Chinese tags discounts can be confusing at first but once you get the hang of it, doing this quick math will get easier. 5折 does not mean that the price is 5 kuai off the original price, it actually means that you are paying 50 percent off the original price. If an item has 3折, it means that you are paying 30 percent of the original price, which means that it is 70 percent off (the opposite of what you might think). That means the smaller the number, the bigger the discount.
3. 双11预售价 (Shuāng 11 yù shòu jià, double 11 presale price)
You may or may not know this but Singles' Day is a great time to book your dream vacation. Look for the prices that precede these words so you can know the pre-sale prices for your selected travel package. There is an option of taking a luxurious cruise in Shanghai or even purchase airplane tickets to travel to Tokyo. This is an opportunity for singles to enjoy the ultimate getaway they deserve. For those living with their mothers, you can escape the constant badgering about when you are going to get a girlfriend, even for just one weekend.
4. 买2付1 (mǎi 2 fù 1, buy two, get one free)
Look out for plenty of items with this tag and take advantage of this clever discount. This is a me-myself-and-I kind of deal. You spot a comforter on sale? Buy two and don’t even give that free comforter away. No. Just keep it for yourself and make yourself extra comfortable. This is like a second birthday that’s all about you. It’s not like Christmas when you have to give to others. Singles' Day is all about spoiling yourself to make up for the absence of someone spoiling you.
5. 进口牛肉 (jìn kǒu niú ròu, Imported beef)
The key word here is “imported.” The main thing to remember is that there is always the option of purchasing food. Who knew Singles' Day is a great time to purchase delicious imported beef or even food off the internet in general? Go treat yourself with some inexpensive and high quality imported meat from Italy. Why not purchase a top-notch wine while you’re at it? Enjoy a high-class meal by yourself! You deserve independent bliss.
So, instead of spending hundreds of dollars on buying stuffed animals, chocolates, and flowers for your lover, instead, spend all that money on yourself! Maybe after spending hundreds of dollars, you'll realize that you are set for life and don't even need to fall in love ever. Just be careful that you don't spend all your money, Christmas is coming up, and Santa still has to afford gifts somehow.
Are you single and don't know what to do for Singles' Day besides online shopping? Here are some options.
And finally, Do you want to learn more chinese characters to help you with online shopping? Check this out.
Images courtesy of InternChina, Marketingdirectto.com, Tmall.com, colorubold.blogspot.jp
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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 15:22 Permalink
Re: 5 Characters to Take Advantage of Singles' Day on Taobao
Why do I feel that the last 11.11 was just in last week?
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