Chaoyang's Red Status Set to Go Green at Midnight, Allow Travel?
[Updated Apr 29, 6.30pm] This article has been updated to include the announcement that Beijing will no longer be considered high risk as of midnight on Apr 29.
Chaoyang will no longer be classified as a high-risk area as of midnight tonight.
As we previously reported, on Apr 14 Chaoyang District became the only area classified as "high risk" in China after meeting the government's criteria of having more than 50 total cases and at least one new local transmission within the past 14 days. However, the last case in Beijing was reported Apr 15, meaning that the high-risk status is set to expire tonight.
During today's daily prevention and control press conference, Chen Bei, deputy secretary-general of the Beijing Municipal Government, announced that as of midnight Beijing will be reclassified as a low-risk area, as reported by People's Daily. That now means that anyone who returns to Beijing from other low-risk areas no longer needs to complete 14 days quarantine or observation at home. Additionally, those who are currently observing quarantine can leave, except anyone from overseas or Wuhan and the rest of Hubei.
Finally, couriers, deliverymen, housekeepers, family, and friends will also be officially permitted to enter communities after registering and presenting a green health code.
Chaoyang's high-risk status initially caused much confusion among those who live and work in the district, with reputable media sources giving divergent answers as to whether or not Chaoyangers would be able to visit Tianjin or Hebei over the holiday. Many have been eager to travel following the recent easing of travel restrictions via the extension of the Beijing Health Kit app, which now recognizes the "healthy" status of people across the Jing-Jin-Ji (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei) region.
The expiration of the high-risk status should in theory render such questions moot, though foreigners would be wise to check ahead with hotels or communities where they plan on staying, or risk possible rejection. Such possibilities were not specifically outlined during Wednesday's press conference.
Of course, to avoid disappointment at the whim of the opaque workings of local bureaucracy, the safest bet is to stay within the bounds of Beijing proper over the holiday, keeping yourself occupied with events and days in the sun with a tall one, all of which are now possible as the city springs back to life.
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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 05/01/2020 - 07:15 Permalink
Re: Chaoyang's Red Status Set to Go Green at Midnight, Allow...
I was specifically referring to the Health Kit app. I have not encountered anyone in authority that knows what the app is.
Finally, couriers, deliverymen, housekeepers, family, and friends will also be officially permitted to enter communities after registering and presenting a green health code.
Why do not believe this???
They are legally allowed. But, yeah, the gatekeepers will be the last to hear the news, the slowest to heed the change.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 04/30/2020 - 12:24 Permalink
Re: Chaoyang's Red Status Set to Go Green at Midnight, Allow...
Finally, couriers, deliverymen, housekeepers, family, and friends will also be officially permitted to enter communities after registering and presenting a green health code.
Why do not believe this???
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