Smørrebrød Blues at Royal Smushi House
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a food writer in possession of reasonable sensibilities will go bananas when you place a Euro-dorable edible before her. Seated in an alcove where floral chintz and Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland got cozy, I anticipated good, if not great things. Unfortunately, in the case of Royal Smushi House, my disproportional excitement only lasted through the “observing” stage.
No doubt about it, smushis* are a cute concept. Tiny, cute, sushi-sized portions of Danish smørrebrød will surely tickle many a feminine aesthetic fancy. However, they seem to be more fit to display than consume. Three of the five smushis I ordered erred on the side of bland. My curried chicken smushi held the tang of convenience store packet-curry, while the sprouting potato-and-cream-cheese smushi tasted only of the fried onion topping. Edging out ahead was the chunky, unwieldy meatball and cabbage affair (the "tank smushi"); this was acceptable once it actually got into my mouth. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the star was the smoked salmon and egg salad smushi: deliciously moist, delicately flavorsome and a boon to any brunch.
Sweets-wise, a zingy piece of lemon cheesecake was mistreated; the unbaked dairy-based dessert had been left out of the fridge and came decorated with artificial cream. Similarly sad was an overbaked hazelnut meringue – such promise in the chewy, airy middle, but surrounded by endless swirls of brittle, unyielding egg white.
Royal Smushi House has potential. The three distinct sections of the complex – café, restaurant and bakery – each offer something different. The service is friendly, if not yet knowledgeable. I’ll also overlook the fact that the fuwuyuan wear maids’ outfits paired with Yashow Converses. It's probably worth a repeat visit – preferably when there are warm smushis and chilled cheesecake.
*Smushis? Smushae? Smushu? Reader, we’re not sure.
Daily 7am-7pm. 8 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (north end of Sanlitun Bar Street), Chaoyang District. (6416 9664) 朝阳区东直门外大街8号(三里屯酒吧街北口)
Photo: Susan Sheng
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Submitted by Guest on Tue, 09/06/2011 - 09:47 Permalink
Re: Smørrebrød Blues at Royal Smushi House
I tried the meringue and thought it was scrumpdiddlyumptious. Outside was lightly crisp and very yielding, while inside was like chewing the billowy soul of the Hazelnut King gone to heaven.
Not sure what happened there, but worth a second shot probably. (And I didn't get to try anything else because they were sold out of all their sweets, because of a "party" they said.)
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