US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
The website of the US Embassy in Beijing today posted a notice to US citizens on "Taking Precautions at Beijing Bars and Nightclubs."
The message, which appears on the "Important Notices" section of the US Embassy website, refers specifically to a couple of recent incidents of "unprovoked harassment of US citizens" at Club Latte, but also expresses concern over "an increase in reports of violence against US citizens at bars and nightclubs in Beijing." The embassy's advice to US citizens is as follows:
"Pay attention to your surroundings. If you feel unsafe or believe that other bar/club patrons or staff wish you ill, leave. Don’t stick around on principle."
"When going to bars and clubs, go with other people. (The more, the merrier, the safer!)"
"If you want to go to a new bar or club, learn about it first. English publications geared to the expatriate community may have information about recent criminal incidents."
"Carry a cell phone at all times."
"If you are the victim of a crime or you have been threatened, seek safety. Notify the nearest police station and call the U.S. Embassy at the emergency after-hours number given below."
The US Embassy notice can be read in full here. We and other local media reported a couple of times over the summer on what seemed a noticeable increase in the number of fights going on around Sanlitun Houjie. Week in, week out it seemed I'd hear reports of or actually witness violence, mostly centered around the Houjie dive bars or on the street itself. There was even a claim that a murder took place (see the Global Times report here), though the police denied any such incident and details were sketchy.
There may be more violence out there, but what I saw over the summer was as likely to involve locals fighting each other as much as attacks on foreigners. Still, not to play down the US Embassy's advice - no increase in violence is a good thing, no matter who's involved. On the whole, Beijing is still a pretty safe place to drink - all the more reason to keep it that way. Be smart, look out for yourself, and don't drink fake drinks that make you go crazy. Now go and have a good - and safe - weekend.
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Submitted by Guest on Wed, 11/16/2011 - 09:24 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Haha, what a stupid post ! US Embassy talk about Chinese bars like about US bars ???? Here is China and I am here since 2000 and I went in almost all bars, but I never in my life didn't see so safety as here ! Maybe US embassy remember how is in US where is totaly orgy even on the street where peoples have sex on the street ! Shame ! And I understand that this message is only for US citizen, so is clear why, US embassy are afraid US citizen will like China more than US and they will lose their good peoples ! The same was happen with my country and now all the talents are outside where they found better life ! So.. this comment has no sense and it is also rasist .
Your last sentence neatly summarizes your entire comment. Good on you!
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 11/15/2011 - 22:55 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
sunrise29,.....back to your cave!!!!
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 11/15/2011 - 18:17 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Haha, what a stupid post ! US Embassy talk about Chinese bars like about US bars ???? Here is China and I am here since 2000 and I went in almost all bars, but I never in my life didn't see so safety as here ! Maybe US embassy remember how is in US where is totaly orgy even on the street where peoples have sex on the street ! Shame ! And I understand that this message is only for US citizen, so is clear why, US embassy are afraid US citizen will like China more than US and they will lose their good peoples ! The same was happen with my country and now all the talents are outside where they found better life ! So.. this comment has no sense and it is also rasist .
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 13:19 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
You forgot Kro! I'm sure he'd have something to say!
Kro's going to be the guy in the audience who ends up getting tazered when he begins screaming "I want the truth! The TRUTH I tell you!"
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 12:42 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
You forgot Kro! I'm sure he'd have something to say!
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 11:46 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
I invite the Beijinger to stage a debate on the 9/11 issue which along with other atrocities were actually stage managed by US, Mossad and MI5/6 among others
Brilliant idea Prof, and The Beijinger is just the forum for settling this issue once and for all!
Coming Soon: The Beijinger Presents: The Big Debate!
Featuring ...
* Chad Lager of Fubar
* Annie of Annie's Pizza
* Miao Wong of Acupunture Records
* Jenny of Jenny Lou's
... all face off on the 9/11 Conspiracy!!! What really happened in NYC on that Fateful day??
Moderator: The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/24/2010 - 11:29 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
You really ought to give it a rest, Prof. Get some fresh air. Too many conspiracy theories in one day are bad for the blood pressure. Get out there and have a drink. It's a nice day.
Good idea! By the way, I suggest "Club Latte".
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 18:00 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Yes - you're quite right. I could never "beat your reasoning"
Perhaps your one-man crusade would be better served here here
But I jest, I jest.
You really ought to give it a rest, Prof. Get some fresh air. Too many conspiracy theories in one day are bad for the blood pressure. Get out there and have a drink. It's a nice day.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 17:42 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 17:41 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Message from Jerry the Yank
tinfoil hat?
if you cant beat my reasoning you can a lways use that old US standby the Fox News sound bite
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 17:35 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
I invite the Beijinger to stage a debate on the 9/11 issue which along with other atrocities were actually stage managed by US, Mossad and MI5/6 among others
Beijinger is a US backed front company to promote the USeasy to see.
Holy Wikileaks, Batman! You sure nailed us! And here I was thinking our "PRC sympathizer" label was an effective cover...
Send us your address and we'll send you an official tbj tinfoil hat
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 17:25 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
just for the record
My comments do not apply to ALL Americans there is a small but determined group of people on the right side
Check out their work
David Ray Griffin
Jesse Ventura
Mike Ruppert
Christopher Bolleyn
Dave Von Kleist
Professor Steven Jones
Professor Kevin Barratt
Richard Gage AIA
Cynthia McKinney
Charlie Sheen
Rosie O'Donnell
Roseanne Arnold
the Loose Change Crew
William Rodriguez
and many more
for more info check out
The day of reckoning will come
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 15:59 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
I invite the Beijinger to stage a debate on the 9/11 issue which along with other atrocities were actually stage managed by US, Mossad and MI5/6 among others
please see
Operation Northwoods
Operation Gladio
USS Liberty
October Surprise
Reichstag Fire ( a rare event not managed by US)
Gulf of Tonkin "incident'
Dr David Kelly
DC Madame
Lavon affair
Iran Contra
Dr David Graham
Barry Jennings
Robin Cook
Senator paul Wellstone
Madrid bombings
Bali bombings
Beverley Eckhardt
Sinking of the Lusitania
First spanish american war sinking
wikileaks false rape accusations
operation Mockingird
that's just a small sample of some of the fake events . most of which were organized by US government
as for CCTV9 it seems to be under control of Lawrence Kuhn of the Kuhn and Loeb banking group
Beijinger is a US backed front company to promote the US
easy to see.
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 15:43 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
No thanks
I dont want a beer from a Neo Con and the only a hole is you
ps Whats the connection between American beer and sex in a boat
they are both fokking close to water
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 15:41 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Muslims DID NOT fly planes into the WTC
if anybody wants me to prove that, I have 50 gigabytes of evidence I can share
Just because the US government says something happened does not make it happen
The official 9/11 story is a total lie
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 15:39 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
i don't want to hear about 70 year old conflicts. The 'we saved your ass' comments are pathetic. This is 2010 and I want to discuss current US atrocities such as the ongoing invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan the coming war in Iran and the hoped for attack on North Korea
Meanwhile the US with help from quisling PM Gillard is attempting to extradite Julian Assange to the US to be tortured ( which is what is happening to Bradley Manning)
I am not interested in dredging up ancient history and the US deserves little credit for faking Pearl Harbor ( yes you knew it was going to happen) and then joining war in 1942 using a false flag pretext
Since then the US has embarked on a massive orgy of destruction and violence in all corners of the globe
hate speech? If you want hate speech go to Fox News. listen to Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck. Rush Limbaugh Hannity and Holmes and Bill O'Reilly
US knows all about hate as you attempt to blame Muslims for 9/11 . and what about the ugly Hilary Clinton revealed to ask for stolen passwords and data on UN members. A clear ILLEGAL ACT
Yes US is the problem. This is China buddy your writ wont work here. I welcome China's rise and US is going down the pan fast
If i wanted to be a US lapdog I would have stayed in UK where you bribe our politicians to support you and kill our soldiers with your incompetent soldiers. Friendly fire
To be American is NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 13:58 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
you may find it helpful to to stop invading other countries and interfering in other countries domestic affairs. This may result in less hatred of AmericaPS whatever happened to Nobel 'Peace ' prize winner Barack Obama
Dear Asshole,
As I am assuming you aren't anything more than a wrinkly piece of smelly poop-chute, I will try and keep my reply simple so you can understand.
I am an American living in Beijing. I am not my government, and I have very little to do with my country's foreign relations or military policies. I would simply like to be able to work here, and enjoy some leisure time without being persecuted because it is fashionable to hate my country.
Hating on America is like hating on Ron Jeremy. People may think he's a washed up has-been, bald, fat and hairy, but he is still the biggest dick in the room.
While others may not always agree with what the United States does, we are still undeniably one of the most influential countries in the world, and we aren't going to operate as such without stepping on some toes.
As for me, I like to remember the times when my country made positive contributions to the world. For example, when we intervened in a little conflict about 70 years ago that most people like to call World War II.
Have you heard of it? It wasn't much really.
Basically my country stepped in and prevented a majority of the planet from getting tea-bagged by the Germans and Japanese.
Or how about the fact that we provide a vast majority of the world's food and disaster aid to needy countries?
A lot of American sweat and blood has been poured out in the name of helping others.
Do we sometimes cross the line with our actions? Yes.
Are we ever misguided? Sure.
Does that mean average American should accept being spat upon and talked down to? Certainly not.
In fact, I am proud to be a member of a nation that is willing to risk war in defense of the rights and freedoms of others.
The next time the world is threatened by dictators, maniacs and the like, try asking Russia or China for help and see where that gets you.
Russia can give you a bottle of vodka to drown out the pain, and China can give you some nice fake clothes and contaminated food for sustenance.
In other words, when you and your countrymen feel inclined to start contributing something to the world aside from armchair criticism, I would be happy to hear your complaints.
Until then, keep your assanine blatherings to yourself and allow me and my friends to enjoy ourselves free of your inane hatred and stupidity.
One Pissed Off American Pub Goer
PS. Please feel free to tell me what country you're from, so if we ever meet I might have the chance to by you a drink, shake your hand and say thank you for what your homeland has to done to help the world.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 12:45 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Prof - you are correct - the Darfur issue was a red herring. So was your comment. It is hate speech.Your use of the adjective "you" suggests that victims were same individuals that invaded Iraq or Afghanistan. Should you or any individual be held accountable for the decisions of their government or the most extreme members of their religion? That is a justifiable basis for assault? Was you comment intended to be a condemnation of war? The logical extension of your post is not against war, it is the basis of war.
If your logic holds, when those soldiers kill an Iraqi or Afghan should they tell those victims "you may find it helpful to stop flying planes into buildings. This may result in less hatred of Muslims."
Blaming victims based on nationality or religion is hate speech. Period. Though it was admittedly a farce of a coalition, the US did not unilaterally invade. Any citizen from a coalition nation meets that criteria. It is the rape equivalent of "you shouldn't have worn that dress." In your case it is "you shouldn't have worn that flag."
People who promote violence through hate speech don't retract. Every post you make further defines you as a violent racist. The more adamant your defense the more entrenched your bigotry and hatred runs.
Ignorance loves attention so I am loathe to give you a soapbox. State what country you are from and, using your logic, we can give you several reasons why you should not be free to leave your house without being assaulted. Tell me you here trying to make friends, have fun or just do business with our new Chinese friends and I will give you a million reasons why you should not be the victim of unprovoked violence based on your nationality.
The final extension of your logic is that it is OK to assault Chinese because of the assaults on the Americans. This is how the circle of hatred starts. Your logic promotes war, it doesn't condemn it.
This is a much better reply than my pathetic "jiba" comment.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 10:45 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Wait, the Beijinger is controlled by the US government???That's it, come Monday I'm asking for a pay rise!!
Bad news, we're 5 trillion dollars in debt and obama's called for a wage freeze.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 10:33 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Prof - you are correct - the Darfur issue was a red herring. So was your comment. It is hate speech.
Your use of the adjective "you" suggests that victims were same individuals that invaded Iraq or Afghanistan. Should you or any individual be held accountable for the decisions of their government or the most extreme members of their religion? That is a justifiable basis for assault? Was you comment intended to be a condemnation of war? The logical extension of your post is not against war, it is the basis of war.
If your logic holds, when those soldiers kill an Iraqi or Afghan should they tell those victims "you may find it helpful to stop flying planes into buildings. This may result in less hatred of Muslims."
Blaming victims based on nationality or religion is hate speech. Period. Though it was admittedly a farce of a coalition, the US did not unilaterally invade. Any citizen from a coalition nation meets that criteria. It is the rape equivalent of "you shouldn't have worn that dress." In your case it is "you shouldn't have worn that flag."
People who promote violence through hate speech don't retract. Every post you make further defines you as a violent racist. The more adamant your defense the more entrenched your bigotry and hatred runs.
Ignorance loves attention so I am loathe to give you a soapbox. State what country you are from and, using your logic, we can give you several reasons why you should not be free to leave your house without being assaulted. Tell me you here trying to make friends, have fun or just do business with our new Chinese friends and I will give you a million reasons why you should not be the victim of unprovoked violence based on your nationality.
The final extension of your logic is that it is OK to assault Chinese because of the assaults on the Americans. This is how the circle of hatred starts. Your logic promotes war, it doesn't condemn it.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 10:15 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
I recommend carrying a collapsable baton or a taser.
Used only in self-defense, of course.
"The Prof" is a troll, ignore him.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 01:32 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
You can criticize the US for its aggressive behavior, but when you blame the US for CCTV 9, you have crossed the line, Sir!
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 16:45 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Wait, the Beijinger is controlled by the US government???
That's it, come Monday I'm asking for a pay rise!!
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 16:05 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
Well put!
sorry Palthe Darfur business is a red herring issue . Do you know who sponors the Darfur rebels? The US , Do you know who sponsors the Baluchi rebels now blowing up bombs in Iran? The US and so it goes on
Maybe you can convince the gullible with your comments but in reality the US is the architect of the Sudan crisis as well as numerous crises everywhere. Who sponsored and armed the KLA? Recently indicted for taking organs from captured serb prisoners
on and on and on
I know the Beijinger is comntrolled by US interests just like the crappy CCTV9 but I know who to blame and its not China
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 11:47 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
you may find it helpful to to stop invading other countries and interfering in other countries domestic affairs. This may result in less hatred of AmericaPS whatever happened to Nobel 'Peace ' prize winner Barack Obama
How many women and children died in Darfur, Sudan, because China refused to let the United Nations interfere? This country is just as ready to kill for oil as the United States is.
Sounds like a debate best settled over some fake chivas shots and warm carlsbergs in some shithole sanlitun dive
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 10:39 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
sorry Pal
the Darfur business is a red herring issue . Do you know who sponors the Darfur rebels? The US , Do you know who sponsors the Baluchi rebels now blowing up bombs in Iran? The US and so it goes on
Maybe you can convince the gullible with your comments but in reality the US is the architect of the Sudan crisis as well as numerous crises everywhere. Who sponsored and armed the KLA? Recently indicted for taking organs from captured serb prisoners
on and on and on
I know the Beijinger is comntrolled by US interests just like the crappy CCTV9 but I know who to blame and its not China
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 09:45 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
you may find it helpful to to stop invading other countries and interfering in other countries domestic affairs. This may result in less hatred of AmericaPS whatever happened to Nobel 'Peace ' prize winner Barack Obama
How many women and children died in Darfur, Sudan, because China refused to let the United Nations interfere? This country is just as ready to kill for oil as the United States is.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 01:57 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
But what I dont get is why anyone would walk into a place called 'Club Latte'
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 23:44 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
you may find it helpful to to stop invading other countries and interfering in other countries domestic affairs. This may result in less hatred of AmericaPS whatever happened to Nobel 'Peace ' prize winner Barack Obama
OK, will do! jiba
The Prof
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 23:26 Permalink
Re: US Embassy Warns Citizens: Don't Drink in Club Latte
you may find it helpful to to stop invading other countries and interfering in other countries domestic affairs. This may result in less hatred of America
PS whatever happened to Nobel 'Peace ' prize winner Barack Obama
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