Kiss and Make Up at Carnival

New Year's Eve at Block 8 was meant to be a triumphant celebration of its first year of operation. It wasn't. According to their funereal post-party press release, "Our technician used heat-producing pyrotechnics, triggering the sprinkler system over the DJ booth." The resulting chaos was as epic as Block 8's rocketing rise to city-wide bougie adulation.

New Year's Eve parties that go awry are the worst of all, and have been known to bear dire consequences. So this weekend, with the mortars of Spring Festival finally silenced, a Block 8 representative has announced, "We want to take this opportunity to apologize to all our guests and friends for what happened on New Year's Eve by inviting them back for this kiss-and-make-up party."

The theme is Carnival, and the party is free. The guests from the New Year's VIP tables will be treated to free champagne and Grey Goose. All attendees are encouraged to wear bright colors, glitter, and masks (a limited number of masks [200] will be available for public consumption). Lucio, from local Latin band Alquima, will perform, alongside several guest musicians.

Feb 23
Rio Carnival
10pm. Block 8 (6508 8585)