Vegitarian friendly

Joined: Dec 02, 2008
Posts: 1

"dikran" wrote:
Review of Cafe de la Poste

I haven't been to Cafe de la poste yet, but I would like to ask paticamelo in his/her review Oct 2009, how could you refer to the restaurant as "vegetarian friendly" while the place is serving steak?

I think you are confused by the meaning of vegetarian friendly, which I'm assuming means they have a good selection of vegetarian dishes.

Not: that they refuse to serve meat to pander to ethical vegisnobs (that would be "Prat friendly")or cater exclusively to vegetarians (which would be simply a "vegetarian restaurant")

Glad I could help, and since we're now reviewing places we've never been to simply to make comments....I hereby give Cafe de la Poste a well deserved 5 stars!!!!

EDIT: you may want to contact them about that link. At all I get is a bunch of sponsored links and a message that the domain is for sale.