Avoid like the plague... and if you have plague go overseas for treatment

Joined: Aug 05, 2009
Posts: 525

It would take several hours to vent my true feelings about this place, but I'll try and sum it up in a few words.

A local person who I am very close to had to have an operation in this poor excuse for a hospital. Her mother handed over a "gift" of cash to the surgeon to ensure he did a good job. OK, that's standard procedure in China. What we didn't realise was that we were supposed to "tip" the anesthetist as well. Net result, the person I know experienced some intense pain during her op because she did not receive a proper dose of anesthetic.

To add insult to injury, the operation was completely botched. The organ the doctor was supposed to removed was only partially removed, which meant the problem recurred six months later. When we went back to see the surgeon he denied all responsibility and said it would be "too dangerous" to fix up the mess he had created. We ended up having to go to Australia to have the operation done properly. The surgeon in Sydney was appalled at what he saw of the China-Japan Hospital's handiwork.

I wouldn't recommend any hospital in China, since my impression based on visits, conversations with other patients and talks with doctors is that the China-Japan Hospital is actually pretty typical of facilities here. In any case, I can definitely say the China-Japan Hospital is stocked with incompetent cowboys who I wouldn't trust to treat a common cold, let alone anything involving a scalpel.

If I could give this place zero stars I would. I'd also sue them for malpractice.