Inconsistency in Delivery Charges/Lido branch temporarily closed for business

Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 29
Review of Annie's

When I lived at Sanyuanqiao in 2009 and 2010, I would order from Annie's Chaoyang Park location. Every once in a while, but not always, they were going to charge a delivery fee because I lived "out of range". Once I was able to order a couple times without an incurring delivery fee, of course I would contest it whenever they subsequently did demand a delivery fee.

After a move, I now order regularly from the Lido branch. Shortly after the Spring Festival Holidays, I called them up and was informed that they were closed for renovations, but they took my order and passed it on to the Chaoyang Park location. Today I wanted to place another order, a friendly voice picked up the phone, I asked whether they were open for business again and, after a "yes", placed my order. My address was confirmed. Suddenly the friendly girl asked me to hold on for a minute, and then a young man picked up the phone instead to inform me that they were still closed for "zhuangxiu", but I was very welcome to order from their Chaoyang Park location against a taxi delivery fee of RMB 30 because of the distance.

Whether a service fee is charged or not is one matter, but I just wish Annie's were more consistent with their definition of delivery fee charges to given locations, and last but not least with communicating that especially in light of such short-term changes and adjustments. Anything else suggest a randomness and arbitrariness that is not acceptable to a regular customer.

So please note: Annie's Lido branch currently closed for renovations!