Mentally ill staff, and the food is shite.

Joined: Oct 01, 2011
Posts: 30
Review of

This place was always average at best, but the Indigo location is a complete and utter dog show.

The staff here, without evident self irony, are almost comically smug and cringeworthy and their behaviour is so embarrassing that I almost feel sorry for them. I can only imagine most of them suffer from Aspergers as their social awkwardness and delusion at working in a glorified Sizzler really will make your skin crawl.

On my last and final visit I thought I would give their afternoon tea 'buffet' a shot. I was informed by some sneering cretin that it would cost 50rmb for my daughter to eat. I pointed out the fact that she was 6 months old, asleep and even if she could eat what was on offer, I would not be giving her all you could eat cake. He looked at me liked I'd taken a dump on his dorm pillow so as any rational person would do, I called him a womans wotsit and bid good day to him. People these days.

Anyway glancing at the offerings we were relieved, it was crap. A few curled up sandwiches and greasy spring rolls. Couple of dry looking cook cakes. Again pretty embarrassing for such a 'fine dining' establishment.

With pretty much everything on the menu available at Feast there is ZERO reason to ever spend your hard earned in this place. That is a place that really does have a reason to be smug about their product, yet their attitude and service is absolutely fantastic. God, even McNasty's is a better alternative to this place.

The atmosphere is atrocious too, and the resemblence of a normal Flamme night to the cantina scene in Star Wars is uncanny. Unless you are a blissfully unaware social misfit, you probably won't appreciate this place.