Not just another book store

Joined: Feb 11, 2011
Posts: 86
Review of Page One

I love Page One. Been going there at least twice a month for some readings or just to buy some gifts.

Anyhow, I noticed an interesting service from the cashier yesterday at Page One Sanlitun - literally...

The cashier asked my husband (in English) - Do you have a member card? Would you like a bag for your books?

Which is very normal situation in China and it was very polite indeed. But, this is not the thing that got my interest peaked

I queued behind my husband and guess what the cashier asked me (in Chinese) - ni buyong daizi, dui ma? 你不用袋子, 对吗?

My mouth dropped by the way she was asking me.

Now, I am used to being treated as a Chinese, a translator or even got some look from Chinese when I'm out with my husband.

But, seriously, to not even be bothered to ask me in a nice polite way that she is suppose to do.. Oh wow... Speechless