I came in a little trired comeing from out side beijing to have a meal there. in the mood for barbque . i passed it a week before thats almost three weeks past now. im a little happy i went. the service was okay. i got to hear some old country music while i waited . a few others where there . minuse haveing to hear some ignorent converstaion by other forighners again. it wasnt bad. i was always hopeing to see. a smoke free bar, and there it is.with slightly better lighting and most the feel of the real thing. a barbque pit that is . still i think the wood and so on was for show it was more like a sports bar with a country thime i eneded up ordreing a burgeand fajit it wasnt quite a prefect burger. still i wont down play it i would have had orderd more food. if i had not thoughs of going to a nother near by place. to get something elce at the same time that day. not that it matters but I stopped on my one burger and fajita. the fajita was better than the burger by far. and i was happy to find a chirsp tasting dr peper i had no mood for alochoal that day
Over all my oppinion was almost nurtrail but optomictic about the place.
still wish i got some barbque my thoughts . go back and do it .in two or three weeks.
and sit out on the bench if its not too could that day
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Re: not to bad
Do you like crack, randall44?
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