Reviewed by Max Renn on Tue, 07/31/2018 - 20:40
Review of Heaven Supermarket
I used to go to the original Heaven's Supermarket. It was great. It felt like a couple of nongmin moved to Beijing, put a few fridges, tables and chairs in a room, and kept the doors open 24/7. The drinks selection was good, but most importantly it had a raw, wild atmosphere. It felt real. I'll always remember the tiny toilet cubicle in the corner with the sign "Banned Shit".
The new Heaven's Supermarket is impressive. It feels slick. And it's busy. But the charm is gone. It's still dirty, and the drinks selection is good, but it feels like some personality-less Beijinger tried to copy the original concept, but got it wrong.
I wouldn't bother going there again.
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