Weekend Live Music Roundup: Return of the Mao, Africa Day Celebration and Helsinki Metal Attack
Not literally, as his highness remains in a crystal coffin on display. Despite the management of Mao Livehouse claiming to "keep a low profile about the re-opening", the return of this grungy rock house still tops the headlines of Beijing's music scene this weekend (or for some of you it's the electronic beats at INTRO 2010 on Saturday. More here). Scheduled shows are coming back, and we are delighted to keep you posted. What's more fierce than Mao (again, not literally), is a volatile session of electric guitar from Marnie Stern. The Kill Rockstars-signed guitarist plays Yugong Yishan tonight, and you can take a peek at her play list here. Support of the night comes from our local heroes SUBS, who are releasing their new album 操万物女神 (Queen of XXXXing Everything) with a upcoming tour across thirteen Chinese cities. That being said, the album release in Beijing will NOT take place until they return.
Now, with only twenty days left, as a genuine fan of German football I felt disappointed with Michael Ballack's absence. But since we are now playing better football than the Germans (Team China won Bayer Leverkusen by 3-0 last night) without even bothering to qualify the World Cup, let the celebration begin with Afrokoko Roots on Africa Day (May 22) at Yugong Yishan. Bands from other countries are also here to congratulate Team China (or am I delusioning) - four Finnish metal bands bombard The Star Live next Tuesday (May 25), featuring Stratovarius, Turisas, Negative and Before the Dawn - I've never seen so many Finnish people at one location before.
Check the Beijinger Directory for venue details
Friday (May 21)
Mongolian group bring the grassland to Dongmianhua Hutong. RMB 40, RMB 30 (advance). 9.30pm. Jiang Hu Liveshow Bar (6401 4611)
Deng Liyuan
Psychedelic electronica with a folk blend. RMB 30. 9pm. Tiny Salt Coffee Club (5900 0969)
Jean-Philippe Viret Trio, Wuna
French jazz trio joined by oriental elements on guqin. RMB 30-380. 7.30pm. Forbidden City Concert Hall (6559 8285)
Kotaro Oshio
Japanese guitarist plays solo. Tickets at 8403 7683. Free (with ticket). 7.30pm. The Star Live (6425 5677)
Lacerate, Nakoma, Dark Haze, Nihilist, Any More, DisjectioN
Regular metal night from thrash to melodic. RMB 50. 9pm. 13 Club (8261 9267)
Mademoiselle Jazz Trio
French chanson and American jazz project in a hutong. RMB 30. 9.30pm. VA Cafe and Bar (5844 3638)
Marnie Stern, SUBS
Some say she’s the “greatest female guitarist of all time” based on her finger-tapping talent. I’d say judge for yourself. Kang Mao and co. support with maximum volume. RMB 150, RMB 100 (advance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711)
Mythomania, Joker, DengeL, Bedstars, The Newtank
Indie rockers and gothic beauties celebrate the re-opening of 111 Gulou Dongdajie. RMB 40, RMB 30 (advance, students). 9pm. MAO Livehouse (6402 5080)
Rustic, Old Fashion, Larry’s Pizza, Boy Number Six
Punk rock burns the house. RMB 40. 10pm. 2 Kolegas (6436 8998)
Shan Ren
Yunnan folkies bring their joyful tunes to Gulou. RMB 50. 9.30pm. Jiangjinjiu Bar (8405 0124)
Ska, ska, ska. RMB 30 (includes a beer). 9.30pm. Hot Cat Club (6400 7868)
The Redness
Unplugged indie pop at Houhai. Free. 8pm. Wild Strawberry Cafe, 52 Houhai Nanyan, Xicheng District (8328 4250)
UNiXX, Ourself Beside Me, Golden Driver, Today is the Start of Autumn
Brit rock apprentices from Hong Kong turn on shoegazing effects with Beijing garage rockers. RMB 40, RMB 30 (students). 9pm. D-22 (6265 3177)
Wu Kejia & Gao Bo
Wu & The Side Effects frontman play acoustic covers of Chinese pop classics with Gao Bo on hand drum. Free. 9pm. Zuiyuefang Bar, 18 Andingmen Xi Dajie, Dongcheng District (6405 4482)
Xia Jia Piano Trio
Jazz pianist operates on his keyboards. Free. 10pm. East Shore Live Jazz Cafe (8403 2131)
Zhang Quan, Zhang Weiwei, Guo Long
Former Wild Children members sing ballads on accordion and guitar. RMB 60, RMB 50 (advance, students). 9pm. Mako Live House (5205 1112/3)
Saturday (May 22)
Acid Live, Guo Yang & Wang Yu
Electro reggae and dub beats throughout the afternoon, followed by electronic/acid jazz group Acid Live throw their summer greeting party. See interview here. Free (4-10pm), RMB 50 (after 10pm). 4pm. 2 Kolegas (6436 8998)
Afrokoko Roots
Greet the 2010 World Cup with live afrobeats and reggae on Africa Day, DJs from Ultimate Productions support. RMB 50. 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711)
Mongolian folk group at Beiluogu Xiang. RMB 40, RMB 30 (students). 9pm. Zuiyuefang Bar, 18 Andingmen Xi Dajie, Dongcheng District (6405 4482)
Evening News
Folk rockers test their sound behind a bus station. RMB 80, RMB 60 (advance). 9pm. The One (5914 8085)
INTRO 2010
Almost 40 artists and three stages set the scene for fun in the sun. See interview with ELVIS.T here. RMB 200, RMB 150 (limited availability, before May 20), RMB 120 (limited availability, before May 10). Tickets at venues around Beijing; call 135 0134 8785 for more information. Noon. 751 D-Park Plaza, 798 Art District
INTRO 2010 After Party
Return to Acupuncture’s barracks after the outdoor festivities close. Headliner Robag Wruhme plays an encore set. RMB 80, free (with INTRO ticket). Midnight. Lantern (135 0134 8785)
Lidong Band
Ningxia folk songs interpreted on guitar and accordion. See interview here. Free. 9.30pm. Jiangjinjiu Bar (8405 0124)
Liu Yuan Saxophone Quartet
China’s jazz forefather keeps the Houhai shores smooth. Free. 10pm. East Shore Live Jazz Cafe (8403 2131)
Monokino, Mio Myo, Shina
German “ghost rock” returns, supported by indie pop and funky break beats from Holland and America. RMB 50. 9pm. MAO Livehouse (6402 5080)
Pilot & MM
Indie poppers rock with friends. RMB 30 (includes a drink). 9.30pm. What Bar (1590 123 6743)
Ska orchestra bring extra brass. RMB 30. 9.30pm. VA Cafe and Bar (5844 3638)
SS20, Demerit, The Flyx, Cold Case
Hardcore punk fans! See that F-word? Still looks so beautiful, doesn’t it? RMB 40, RMB 30 (students). 9pm. D-22 (6265 3177)
Wang Yue (Gia)
She’s no punk diva no more, gone bossa … well I don’t know. See interview here. RMB 50, RMB 40 (advance, students). 9.30pm. Jiang Hu Liveshow Bar (6401 4611)
Wu Fei
Wu Fei plays her guzheng with experimental techniques. RMB 50. 8pm. A Place For Music, Rm 211, Floor 2, Bldg 1, Dong Wai Compound, 3 Xin Zhong Dong Jie, Dongcheng District (6417 6292)
Wuna & Friends
Guqin concert featuring crossovers with contemporary dance and kunqu. Tickets at 400 630 6016. RMB 80, RMB 50 (students). No. 46 Theater, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Dongcheng District (8403 3799)
Zhao Lei
Folk singer tells story of urban life with his guitar. RMB 40, RMB 30 (advance). 9pm. Tiny Salt Coffee Club (5900 0969)
Sunday (May 23)
Zhang Si’an brings his flamenco band to Fangjia Hutong. RMB 30 (includes a beer). 9.30pm. Hot Cat Club (6400 7868)
Feng Yan, Zhu Guangyu
Folksy singers play self-compositions. Free. 9.30pm. Zuiyuefang Bar (6405 4482)
Experimental quartet play improvisation. RMB 40. 9.30pm. VA Cafe and Bar (5844 3638)
Lao Ya
Grunge band shake SOHO Shangdu. RMB 40, RMB 30 (advance). 9pm. Tiny Salt Coffee Club (5900 0969)
Moreno Donadel Trio
Italian pianist collaborates with a few Beijingers. Free. 9.30pm. East Shore Live Jazz Cafe (8403 2131)
Neverland, Yuanzidan, Jack Danny, Mixin, Kuangquanshui, Xiangpi Zidan
Student bands congregate. RMB 30, RMB 20 (students). 8.30pm. 13 Club (8261 9267)
Mr. Miss
Jazz, bossa nova and blues in acoustic format. Free. 9pm. Jiang Hu Liveshow Bar (6401 4611)
Pekka Pylkkanen
Finnish woodwind specialist plays jazz set. RMB 30. 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711)
Shao Xiaomao
The Douban star is now having her own gig. More about the internet star here. RMB 80, RMB 60 (students). 7pm. The Star Live (6425 5677)
UNiXX, The Offset: Spectacles, Soviet Pop
Shoegazing and art rock from Hong Kong meets Beijing experiment. See album review of UNiXX here (p78), interviews with The Offset: Spectacles here and Soviet Pop here. RMB 40. 8.30pm. MAO Livehouse (6402 5080)
Wu Junde, Zhang Zhi, Travelers
Find a moment of peace with folk. RMB 40, RMB 30 (students). 9pm. D-22 (6265 3177)
Tuesday (May 24)
Those Dancing Days
Swedish indie pop band takes no break on Mondays. RMB 50, RMB 30 (advance). 9pm. Yugong Yishan (6404 2711)
Tuesday (May 25)
A4 Destroyer, Golden Driver, Simon Frank, Wanderlust
More experiments on “Zooming Night.” RMB 30, RMB 20 (students). 9pm. D-22 (6265 3177)
Stratovarius, Turisas, Negative, Before the Dawn
Scandinavian soldiers sail from Helsinki to Beijing with the strength of metal power. Tickets at 6215 9844 or 6215 4439. RMB 260, RMB 180 (before May 21), RMB 500 (VIP). 8.30pm. The Star Live (6425 5677)