Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
After some fierce and spirited debate, the winners and honourable mentions for solving the traffic nightmare are announced! Read on to see who the lucky ones are!
Well well well. The traffic nightmare of Beijing provoked the most lengthy debate and venting seen on our website in many many months. It is extremely clear from some people's suggestions that a few too many have had a chip on their shoulder for the best part of a decade (admin, I'm looking at you). We saw suggestions ranging from the most practical to the most frighteningly illegal.
And, for good measure, would you believe that the Beijing government have announced that the new license plate restrictions coupled with the simultaneous opening of 5 subway lines have already "obviously' eased the traffic congestion? I think anyone who was near Guomao last night will wholeheartedly disagree with that assessment, but nevertheless you can read the article by the China Daily here. Interestingly, a man is thrilled that he can drive home at 40km/h to Daxing despite the new Daxing subway line being built for that purpose. Oh dear.
We at the office have decided that we will be giving away one bottle of wine for the winner of each category: The most creative idea, and the most realistic idea.
The most creative ideas were (in no particular order) :
Serrot's proposal to instigate a class war and start smashing the windows of luxury cars owned by the filthy rich.
Herojuana's proposal to remove cars of certain "quality" of the road (QQ, Xiali, City Baby etc) and crush them. It should also be pointed out that Admin suggested that the drivers should be crushed with them. Harsh, but clearly the words of a man who has been here before the establishment of the 5th ring road.
Bigsisjiejie's idea to give UZI's to all bicyclists (someone has been here too long i think).
Jonnybigstar's idea of trading in IC card's for 'flying pigeon' bicycles. Just imagine the queue's of people that would create! Brilliant. Besides, we all are saddened by the demise of the pigeon.
Admin's idea to have all motorist's install an interior horn that goes off when you honk the exterior horn.
Lauren_McCarthy's idea to have cars impounded on the extreme outskirts of the city, deliberately scratching them for good measure.
Waitaitai's idea to put disabling boots on every. single. Audi. No exceptions. Amen!
The most realistic ideas were (again in no particular order) :
Waitaitai's idea to put disabling boots on every. single. Audi. No exceptions (this idea is both creative and practical). We all hate Audi's!
Barry's suggestion to actually start towing cars and police to do their job. Agreed. Yet its amazing that such a simple idea could unfortunately be so idealistic at the same time.
Vmomo's suggestion that a massive congestion charge should be instigated to all those who will be driving within the 4th ring road, and a huge fine to those who only have one in the car, and increasing the price of petrol. These are all easily achievable and ultra realistic ideas.
Thim Anglais' urging for the city to stop building outside the 5th ring road and encourage people to move closer to their work. Thim Anglais is absolutely right about American Exurbs being a complete failure.
Lynxlynx's suggestion that there be 24 hour bus lanes. Lynxlynx also deserves special mention for the amount of idea's that he posted up, a unique mixture of creative, practical and mildly fascist.
Peter Seller's suggestion that the government ease restrictions on motorbikes and electric bikes. Again, sensible and practical, especially for those who live close to their work.
Admin's suggestion for ultra-extortionate fines for people who break fundamental traffic rules on the freeways (ie, reversing).
And the winners are....
Most creative: Jonnybigstar's idea of trading in IC card's for 'flying pigeon' bicycles.
Honourable mention goes to Admin and the installing of an interior horn.
Most realistic: Vmomo's suggestion that a massive congestion charge should be instigated to all those who will be driving within the 4th ring road, and a huge fine to those who only have one in the car, and increasing the price of petrol.
Honourable mention goes to Peter Seller's wish to bring back the motorbikes.
You can contact the Beijinger at to claim your prize!
Congratulations to both! And thank you to everyone who participated and getting a car load of your chest.
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 08:11 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
^ here's the thing: if people in beijing can't manage to navigate entering and exiting an elevator without causing what amounts to a human traffic jam, what hope do we ever have of seeing them use their cars wisely?
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 08:01 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
How about staggered work hours so not everyone is going to and from work at the same time.
How about teaching drivers that driving is a privilege and not a right.
How about teaching drivers that they have an obligation to keep up with traffic and share the road.
How about teaching drivers some basic traffic laws like....through traffic has right of to exit and enter a highway(you build up speed on a ramp then merge with traffic, NOT come onto the highway and cut right over to the passing lane at 40kph) that the right hand lane is for slow traffic, the middle lane is the driving lane and the left hand lane is the passing lane and that it is not okay to drive 50kph in the passing lane while chatting on one’s cell phone and being oblivious to what’s going on around you. How about not allowing trucks over 6 meters long to drive in the passing lane. How about building weigh stations for trucks to pull into for inspection instead of randomly setting up traffic checks on the highways and reducing traffic to one lane and causing massive traffic backups. How about the authorities being proactive rather than reactive. How about enforcing some traffic violations with patrol cars instead of cameras only. ( I guess that wouldn’t work since I’ve been told if the cops pulled over a person with connections they may lose their job)
How about giving every driver of a black Audi 6 with smoked windows a 10,000rmb fine out of hand just because we know how most of them totally disregard basic driving laws. How about teaching drivers the meaning of the word "consideration." How about …teaching people instead of telling them. How about…oh never mind.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 01/15/2011 - 09:58 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
..and i dont see how starting to limit the licenses could have any immediate impact in beijing.. there's still 3.7 million cars out there, just as there was in december.. so the effects won't be noticeable on existing traffic..only preventing it getting worse in the future
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 20:47 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
The China Daily article is just great...
An odd-even license plate number system was introduced to allow cars to be driven every other day in peak hours in some congested areas.
Where is that ? Never heard something like this...
Li Feng, who lives in Daxing, a suburban district in southern Beijing, told Xinhua Wednesday that he had felt the positive changes in Beijing's traffic."I used to drive at a speed of only 20 km per hour when I entered and left the city in the morning and evening rush hours, but now I can drive at 40 km per hour," he said.
I love this one !!! I was expecting to read something like "now I can take the subway and it's great and faster" but no... just encouraging to continue to drive
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 17:37 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
"obviously' eased the traffic congestion.the Beijing government have announced that the new license plate restrictions coupled with the simultaneous opening of 5 subway lines have already
the real winners are the residents of Beijing, as the traffic nightmare is officially over!
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 17:23 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
wow i'm so shocked! this is the first time i ever took part in some contest here..guess i should start doing it more often! thanks guys!!!!!
...and this is a double win for me! .. before i ever posted my idea here i'd told it to my wife months ago and she told me i was being stupid..haha..who's the stupid one now??
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 15:52 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
Ah, no offence intended; we are cool then.
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 15:15 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
Yes, yes I do. But I would also like to point out that I mean no offence at all with that remark, and your suggestions were hilarious and not any more 'vicious' than other peoples!
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/14/2011 - 14:21 Permalink
Re: Solve the traffic nightmare - winners announced!
Congratulations to the winners!
And Nick, with "mildly fachist" you mean "mildly fascist"?
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