Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on BTV
We are all aware of the daily insanity of 4.8 million Beijing drivers hitting the streets with nothing but blind ignorance of their mirrors, indicators and brakes, whilst pedestrians blindfold themselves and play chicken with trucks. Most of us manage to pull through the madness each day relatively unscathed, but as the Shanghaiist points out, BTV's daily Traffic Lights program graphically reveals that many Beijingers aren't that lucky. Twice a day, the program compiles a collection of Beijing's traffic greatest 'hits,' playing out the carnage in real time, slow motion, and rewind.
While there are many news items that the Chinese media prefers not to dwell upon, apparently nightmarishly graphic road kill, broadcast as children are readying for bed or waking up, has yet to come under the red pen of the powers-that-be. The shockingly violent footage of pedestrians and cyclists getting knocked down, run over, and generally smashed around by cars, buses and trucks is replayed dozens of times, with analysis and the kind of in-depth commentary that you once found on BBC's Match of the Day.
If there is one thing you should learn from watching this television show, it is always look both ways when crossing the road. What these videos show time and time again in increasingly graphic detail is that pedestrians have a foolish belief that there won't be any cars on the road. Drivers have an equally foolish belief that pedestrians won't be crossing the road. Or perhaps they just have less reason to care.
So what is China's official road toll? Altough a recent article posted by Want China Times claims that traffic fatalities are the leading cause of death for people aged under 45 in China, and the number of car owners has indisputably skyrocketed, rather puzzlingly official traffic deaths have allegedly fallen to rates lower than in most other developing and developed nations. Researchers at the Central South University of China concluded that this can only be due to police failing to report every fatality, of which there were at least 67,000 reported in 2009. 2010 statistics have yet to be disclosed.
In any case, I am obliged to issue a stern warning to all readers of this article that the Youku clip of Traffic Lights below is unquestionably graphic. You will see people dying every 7 seconds in high quality images. You will see countless slow motion replays and near dead-pan emotion from policemen and narrators.
For those who wish to see more, BTV 公共 Gonggong broadcasts this program daily at 6:30am, 7:05pm and then 9:15pm.
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Submitted by Guest on Tue, 08/26/2014 - 11:01 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on BTV
I have traveled to so many countries but no where else that I have been to is it common for people to cross a street without first looking. I know that cars in China are a relatively new phenomenon but you would think most people wouldn't have wanted to get hit by bicycles either. The only explanation I can think of is that the Chinese are an incredibly optimistic people and just have faith that when they cross the road there won't be any traffic heading in either direction. However, even that explanation fails to account for why people here often look in the WRONG direction and then cross.
I have found out why slow drivers drive in the left lane which drives me insane. It's because that lane is perceived as safer as fewer cars are crossing into and out of it. The police have to start enforcing the minimum speed laws on the highway. If you're going 60 in the fast lane it's extremely dangerous because it makes all the other drivers need to change lanes.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 03/31/2012 - 10:50 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
When I first came to Beijing in 2004 I couldn`t make heads or tails of the road traffic laws. ( still can`t in many ways but I just go with the flow now)I actually used to cross the road with a senior figuring no-one would run down a senior. Fast-forward 4 years. I got my driver`s license and bought a vehicle. The first few weeks I was rather cautious but now I`m right in there with the best of them. First of all I think every person with an AudiA6 should be given a 2000rmb fine every year. I call pedestrians cows since they just wander around oblivious to what`s going on just a like a cow would. I`m not trying to be rude to locals, it`s just an accurate observation. If there is one out of dozens of logical traffic laws the powers that be should educate people about is "THROUGH TRAFFIC HAS RIGHT OF WAY!" Also although the passive enforcement of having 1000`s of traffic cameras seems to work fine in many ways it is seldom next to never I ever see a person pulled over for a driving infraction. The rule seems to be that if you a 1mm ahead of the next guy you are in the right to do what you like. Also it is the person who hits the other person who is at fault. Sounds good in theory although that`s what makes driving here like a rally. I also think that at some dealerships they give you a driver`s license when you buy a car. Drivers in the 3rd lane over cutting across to an exit within the last 50 meters is also a good one. I can understand ignorance of what you are doing but the guys who are looking in their side view mirrors and drive according to jerking you around are ignorant of another variety.
The slow drivers who also speed up when you are trying to pass them then slow down once traffic makes it so you can`t is also common. Slowing down to make lane changes rather than picking your spot and going to it causes lots of slowdowns as well. The drivers that pass you then pull in front of you then slowdown is also a good one. I really think 50% of the traffic problem on highways would be fixed if people would realize and obey that the curb lane is for slow drivers, the middle lane is the driving lane and the 3rd lane is for passing. Smoked glass in the front windows should also be banned. It prevents people from looking at the driver and giving him the evil eye whammy when he pulls a boner move. As it is the anonymity makes people feel like they are driving the bat mobile. The mini vans that look like a loaf of bread should also be fined like Audi drivers since they all drive too slow and seem addicted to the passing lane. Did I mention the drivers that come off an on-ramp and head straight for the passing lane before they get up to speed? Or how about the big trucks on the 5th ring road that slow right down in the passing lane then wait for a break in traffic before they pull a U-ey then go the wrong way down an on ramp. Welcome to the world`s biggest learn-as-you-go-and make-it-up-as-you-go-along driving school. To be fair maybe it is only 10% of the drivers who do all these things but 1 out of 10 cars on the road is still a lot.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 09/15/2011 - 11:16 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
I don't make an effort to watch this show, but yes it is very graphic. I once saw a clip of a disoriented pedestrian walking on the 2nd ring road get hit by two cars, the second time he was run over, he was decapitated (you could see his head rolling down the road in the footage). I'm just glad it wasn't in HD.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 05:10 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Been watching this show for years, love it!!!!
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 01:08 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
The cheesy sound effects really add to the experience!
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 00:47 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
I hate Chinese ads on Youku. So utterly unrealistic for Chinese common people.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 01:27 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
That truck turning then running over the cyclist in the video is brutal...legs, torso then head. Horrific!
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 12:37 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
How much is the average payout for a pedestrian death caused by car/driver in Beijing. Is it still negotiated or is there a set cost now?
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 03:44 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Kongbo, the last part of your comment contradicts itself...maniac drivers in utter disregard of traffic laws and regulations, as we know they are because we witness them daily on Beijing's roads, even the most law-abiding cyclist will not withstand. Bicycles used to be the kings of the road in Beijing, but now their once protected spaces are overtaken by cars. Still, more than enough people cannot afford a car; they depend on bicycles, motorcycles or diandongche.
I ride a motorcycle myself, and I'm a very conscientious German rider, that you can be sure of. But it doesn't matter how careful and anticipatory I am, it doesn't matter that I signal whenever I turn, heed the traffic lights, always turn my head multiple times before I change lanes, don't take any risks, or adjust my speed according to wind and weather - there is no protection, no safety whatsoever.
When a FedEx truck changed lanes as I rode right beside it and I was able to make an emergency "ground break" before I would slide underneath it, the driver's comment later was, "Your bike doesn't seem damaged so everything's okay" before he elegantly made an exit. The bike wasn't damaged because it had landed ON TOP of me...of course the bike was fine. But what about me?
Once I was riding on Jingmi Road on the right lane shoulder where I belong, it had just started to rain heavily so I slowed down accordingly. A black Audi approached me quickly from behind and tailgated me, honking and flashing his lights at me...intent on harrassing me on that road shoulder when the traffic on the right, middle and left lanes was moving steadily. If I had had to make a sudden brake, I would have been GONE! It was a frightening experience, and that that driver didn't care the least bit about the life he was threatening sickened me.
Another time, I was passed by a brand new red Jaguar...the driver was racing along Liangmaqiao Road as if there was no tomorrow, swerving around the other cars, honking wildly. As is destiny, we "met up" at the next red light. I stood at the passenger side, looked into the car...and saw the male driver, holding a baby on his lap! I silently wished him that the baby was not his only child, in case he should cause an accident before he'd reach Liangmaqiao, or pondered whether the baby had come with the car and he could always get a new one.
It also scares me to see how often pedestrians and cyclists will cross the road without even looking and do wonder what on earth is going on in their brains, if anything, but they still are the weakest links, they are still the ones who will let their life, not that driver of the black Audi. I know however that by Chinese traffic hierarchy, our two-wheeled lives are not worth as much as the lives of those driving a car, and I always have that in the back of my mind when I'm on the road.
...The drivers in Beijing are maniacs, but the people on bikes and motorcycles are reckless idiots, taking their life in their hand by bypassing traffic laws intended to protect them. Outa my way, BEEP, BEEP!!!!!
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 00:20 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Beijing needs like 1 million more traffic cops that actually pull people over for bad driving habits instead of responding to accidents
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 22:57 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Make no mistake about this. Television shows like these do nothing but to reduce the general IQ of the masses. That they could have a show like this aired 4 times a day indicates how desensitised the viewers are. Tonight they showed two people getting involved in a very public fight in 三元西桥。 It held up traffic for about 5-10 minutes right in the middle of peakhour. One beligerent was wielding a baseball bat.
This is the ultimate in reality TV. Actual reality. And what an abysmal, dystopic reality it is.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 21:45 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Wow - this is just crazy!!! Reminds of when I went to the Beijing traffic admin office to do my driver's license and later to register my SUV. The TV monitors on the walls there cycle footage of car wrecks and death as if it were entertainment. And look at the three heartless assh*les crossing the intersection at 4:40, walking past a severely injured person as if she was just trash in the street. The drivers in Beijing are maniacs, but the people on bikes and motorcycles are reckless idiots, taking their life in their hand by bypassing traffic laws intended to protect them. Outa my way, BEEP, BEEP!!!!!
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 17:46 Permalink
Re: Beijing's Greatest Hits: Free-to-air Traffic Carnage on ...
Just to add something for the insomniacs among us. BTV also decides to air this show at 1am as well.
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