'150Alice' Human Banner for Charity at Olympic Park, July 25
The people who put together the world's most collaborated art book, 150Alice, are continuing their campaign to help bring art education to the children of Zuunkharaa in Mongolia. This time, they want people to help create a human banner, spelling out their logo so that a drone can photograph it from above.
The human banner, in combination with the magnificent Olympic skyline, will then in turn inspire people to donate to the project, which was conceived after Pickatale founder Sigbjørn Dugal visited Mongolia and was moved by the bleak conditions that many families were living in. He sought the support Oyunchimeg Dash, the wife of the Mongolian Ambassador to China, and together they decided that providing an art education for the children would give them a chance to develop their talent and offer families a brighter future.
If you want to get involved, sign up here and make sure you're at the Olympic Park, outside of the west entrance to the stadium, at 3pm this Saturday July 25. If you're one of the first 100 people to register, you get a 15 percent off voucher for Bottega, too. To read more about the project, click here.
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Email: margauxschreurs@truerun.com
Instagram: s.xuagram
Photo: Paul Reiffer
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Submitted by Guest on Fri, 07/24/2015 - 11:58 Permalink
Re: '150Alice' Human Banner for Charity at Olympic Park, July 25
Hey all,
Due to having our permit denied we moved locations to Chaoyang Park near the North gate. All new information is here: https://www.eventbank.cn/event/4100/home.html
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Pickatale & 150Alice Teams
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