The Fire That Wouldn't Die: Join Us for Hot Chili Pepper Eating Contest Part 2!

You can't keep a spicy food lover down.

By the time we lost Day 2 of the Spicy Fest last weekend to irate neighbors who were just a tad miffed that so many people were having a good time (in an outdoor mall that apparently is typically deader than a doornail), we already had a full slate of competitors signed up for the second of our two Hot Chili Pepper Eating Competitions.

So as not to disappoint those willing to risk their digestive systems for the crown, we've decided the Show Must Go On: thus we are proud to announce our Hot Chili Pepper Eating Contest Redux next Sunday (May 30) from 3-5pm at Beijing's only pan-Latin American restaurant, Encuentro!

 An audience of witnesses will gather far and wide to watch our tribe of pepperheads snarf ten rounds of increasingly hot chili peppers, until but one champion remains.

The winner walks away with bragging rights as well as booze from our sponsors KWV and swag galore from The Beijinger. All other victims participants will also take home surprises (aside from frequent visits to the toilet) to mark their gutsy attempt at glory.

We currently have 8 contestants from six different countries (China, USA, India, South Africa, Spain and the UK) but we need a few more to round out the field.

No more than two contestants per country though, which means the US and India are currently closed for new competitors. 

If you have the iron will – and the iron stomach to match – then join the WeChat group below to express your interest:

We’ll need you all in by the end of the day Tuesday, May 25, so fire up that WeChat and scan away.

Now if you are more of the observer type, you can witness history (and maybe, just maybe, some projectile vomiting) for a mere RMB 100 -- and your ticket will get you a free drink from KWV, snacks from Encuentro, and for the first 50 ticket buyers, a selection of Beijinger Blind Box goodies (hats, stickers, coupons, spicy sauces -- you name it).

The venue has a tight limit of only 200 people and therefore tickets may not be available at the door -- thus grab 'em while the grabbin's good. Click here for tickets or scan the code in the poster below with your WeChat account to purchase your ticket to Sunday's carnage:

Can't make it? Stay tuned to The Beiinger's WeChat account where we'll announce a livestream a day or two before the event, and if you don't want to miss out on materializing your spicy dream, order up one of our limited edition Blind Boxes filled with all manner of spicy goodness, from specially-forumated mala erguotou, Spicy Fest hats, mugs, and masks; discount coupons from participating spicy food vendors, and even the hottest jelly beans we think you’ve ever dared to try – the Flaming Five from candy masters Jelly Belly. These boxes are currently priced to MOVE at a mere RMB 160.

 That's all there is to it ... what are you waiting for? See you Sunday May 30!

Images: Uni You / The Beijinger archives


New comments are displayed first.

Sikaote wrote:

What in the what does this even mean??


We’ll [the Beijinger] need you [the contestants] all in [signed up] by the end of the day Tuesday, May 25, so fire up that WeChat [use Wechat] and scan away.

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

The Fire That Wouldn't Die: Join Us for Hot Chili Pepper Eating Contest Part 2!

Dude in the header photo encapsulates what is wrong with this world. I'm seriously.


Giovanni Martini wrote:

"By the time we lost Day 2 of the Spicy Fest last weekend to irate neighbors who were just a tad miffed that so many people were having a good time (in an outdoor mall that apparently is typically deader than a doornail)," (unquote)

Kind of reminds one of Superman's Bizarro World. The locals who nixed all over your festivals are kind of like kamikaze turned inside-out. Benzodiazapine beserkers. Because there is NO danger so trivial one cannot run from it.

Benzodiazapine beserkers.

Doctors who prescribe clonepin should be drawn and quartered.

New russian

We’ll need you all in by the end of the day Tuesday, May 25, so fire up that WeChat and scan away.

What in the what does this even mean??
