Blog Tag - B Active
Do you have Beijing’s best buns? Come shake them on stage at the Jun 22-23 Burger Fest and you’ll be in line for prize booty from Beersmith, B...
Worried that boozing will leave you with a beer belly? Fret not! Ankit Nayal, professional bodybuilder and personal trainer at BActive Fitness, will...
It's almost the end of July and summer is well and truly under way, so if you made a vow to get fit this summer, it might be time to check your...
It may come as a surprise to hear that what you eat before and after a workout is almost as important as the workout itself. Fueling your body with...
This Week in Health and Fitness looks at the latest goings on in health and fitness around town so you can live your #bestlife.
Beijing's favorite (...
Tribe never stays quiet for long. In fact, they've have just launched lunch boxes at the Tribe Nutrition Café at B Active (open daily 8am-9pm). These...