Mind The Slap: Subway Beatdown

It's impressive, isn't it, how quickly empty seats are snatched up on the subway trains or buses? If you've lived in Beijing long enough to have attempted ruthless seat-grabbing, Chinese-style, you know that it's not as easy as it looks. You really gotta commit to it – no hesitation, no holds barred.

Please note, however, that while hovering over a desired seat gives you a clear advantage, it could also land you right in the middle of a bloody fight. Take a look at these recent videos, which indicate that fighting for a seat can be just as brutal as fighting for your life.

*Some of these videos involve spilled blood; viewer discretion is advised.

Video #1. The recent biting incident on the Guangzhou subway

Video #2. A man slapped a younger man five times for not offering his wife the seat

Video #3. Two women fighting on the subway for a seat

Video #4. Two women fighting on the subway because the younger one sat on the other’s leg

OK, sure – you may think – a bloody nose here and there, what's the big deal? Well, the guy who died for a seat on the bus would beg to differ. Just two weeks ago in Beijing, a man quarreled with two other men over who was entitled to sit down. The confrontation became so heated that they followed him off the bus, chased him down and stabbed him to death.

Forewarned is forearmed. If you are forced to take the public transport daily at a not-so-happy hour, please watch out for the fights.

Also, we'd like to know: What's the worst fight you've ever witnessed on Beijing's public transportation? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo: Baidu Album user 300crowd


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"Take a look at these recent videos, which indicate that fighting for a seat can be just as brutal as fighting for your life."

I can't read this without hearing Sherrif John Burnell [insert dramatic pause after word brutal]

Pure gold.

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