Explore the Next Generation of Artists at ReUnited, the 2021 CAFA IFC Graduation Exhibition

If you are an art lover, or if you are interested in the exchange of international ideas as well as in innovation, culture, and creativity, then you absolutely must check out the Graduation Exhibition of Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). When it comes to where to go to experience great art, it may be easy for some people to overlook art schools in favor of the more well-known museums, galleries, and other institutions, but art enthusiasts, experts, and talent-spotters alike know that schools are very often the birthplaces of talent – places where genius is nurtured, and where we can witness the most real and unbiased art there is.

Artists are often not discovered, appreciated, or understood until later in their careers, but it is at this early stage in their artistic maturation where we are able to witness all of the ideas and possibilities that percolate in a young artist’s mind, and where we are able to see their rawest talents, truest impressions, and purest seeds of potential. We tend to deify the prodigies of the past, such – the Picassos, Rembrandts, Van Goghs, and Michelangelos – but we often forget that even these great masters only became great through learning from great teachers, being exposed to other great artists, and exploring their own identity, style, and place in the infinite world of art.

Recognizing this truth, the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) has strived to provide such opportunities to all who enter its halls, and as part of that effort, they've launched a graduation exhibition titled ReUnited to highlight the talent coming out of its International Foundation Course (IFC). When we view these student pieces, we ourselves are participating in the making of art history, through contemplation and appreciation of the artists of the next generation.

As an artist myself, I was thrilled to visit the exhibition and experience all of the cutting-edge ideas and creativity on display. As you arrive in the vicinity of CAFA, you can feel a sense of buzzing excitement in the air, and an intoxicating pulse of energy and creativity all around. Indeed, it’s difficult not to be inspired even before you set foot on location!

During my visit, I had the honor of meeting with three experts on art and culture, and we discussed the young artists highlighted by the exhibition. Our talks allowed us to peek a bit deeper into the exhibited works and the exhibition as a whole. One of the experts I met was Alla Batiuk, an artist, fashion expert, textile expert, and costume designer, as well as a teacher at CAFA. From the moment you meet her, it is impossible not to sense her passion and love for art, creativity, and pouring knowledge into other people. She and the other teachers at CAFA have enabled their students to create an inspiring exhibition and have worked hard to maintain CAFA as a place where every student can learn and grow.

As I walked through the exhibition, I found myself enamored of every single piece. It is impossible for me to name a single favorite piece, so I will share my top three.

The first piece, by Du Yimei from the Fine Art Department, features butterflies and is a fantastically colorful, engaging, and vibrant display. I love that the artist found such a unique and creative way to engage with and explore her subject, while using the provided space to its fullest potential. The butterflies are made from organic materials and have been incorporated into the art on the wall as well as flying overhead and onto the wall opposite the piece. 

Next is a textured piece appropriately dubbed Reunion by Liang Lei of the Fine Art Department. The sheer simplicity of the piece captivates its viewers, while the colors, the technique, and the deep details draw you in and allow you to see multitudes of perspectives that are hidden within, whether real or imagined. The work is subtle, surreal, and sublime all at the same time.

As a Fashion Major myself, I have to mention this next piece created by Xie Huanjian, who hails from the Fashion Design Department. The artist’s creation includes an interactive portion which allows visitors to try to sew a piece of the fabric used in her work. Not only does this enable viewers to experience the difficulty of Xie's hand sewing process, but it also creates a whole new piece of art that is built up and added on to by each visitor who leaves a new stitch in the piece.

The 2021 CAFA Graduation Exhibition was originally going to run until today, May 7, with online viewing available after that. But with the success of the exhibition, the opening period has been extended until May 28! But whether you go in person or view the exhibition online, you are in for something very special. The online exhibition is enhanced by short videos from the artists and their teachers, and the nature of the platform really allows you to experience the art in a wonderfully unique way. Many categories of art are represented, including fine art, spatial design, 3D design, fashion design, and visual communication.

So! If you did not already know how spectacular CAFA is, now you know! Keep an eye out as we share more fantastic Beijing exhibitions with you, along with even more nifty artistic insights and insider info!

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Images courtesy of CAFA IFC and artists Jin Baichen, Geng Xinyue, Du Yimei, Liang Lei, and Xie Huanjian


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More like by that same token, you should be watching college basketball, which yes, many viewers say is more interesting than pro ball.


Giovanni Martini wrote:

By the same token then, to see me some real basketball, I should watch a junior-high P.E. class and say fekk the NBA. Gotcha there, Ace. Thanks for the tip. 

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